
goobies are a sfw closed species of alien creatures made entirely of goo!
these adaptive creatures fall into different fractions, declaring their alligence to their respective gob.
which gob will you be loyal to?

once, there was a creature...
and he wanted a home, so he made sky and earth.
and he was lonely, so he made creatures to live in sky and earth.
but soon, he found he could not be in both places at once,
helping the creatures and keeping them from fighting,
so he decided to split himself in two.
one of him to rule the sky, and one of him to rule the earth.


  • 2.18.2022: the creation of this toyhouse world!
  • DATE 00, 2020: Vestibulum tempus elit magna, eget auctor diam dapibus eget. Suspendisse diam mauris, aliquam non tincidunt sed, pulvinar consectetur magna.
  • DATE 00, 2020: Integer dictum purus et dui euismod, nec venenatis ante ultricies. Integer sit amet justo aliquet, tincidunt purus at, ornare dui. Cras aliquam nec felis a dignissim. Donec eleifend orci a efficitur commodo.


Morbi imperdiet accumsan ipsum, ut sodales sem interdum vel. Morbi nec hendrerit magna, vel porta quam. Curabitur eu elementum magna. Sed et risus ac enim malesuada porttitor a non turpis. Nulla tincidunt congue nulla eget sollicitudin. Suspendisse potenti. Proin ac imperdiet felis.

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