Species Info!

Lagois Caelum

An avian race that occupy the world around them, though they cannot fly their wings that are attached like a cape allow them to glide great distances. Lagois live within large flocks to provide safety, as they are a race that heavily socialise and rely on groups to live within harmony; though there are some Lagois that prefer to live within smaller flocks or in isolation. Most flocks tend to have a good alliance with one another, providing many resources from their own areas they inhabit within the world, however peace isn't sought out by everyone, some flocks don't take kindly to outsiders or dislike to rely on anyone else besides their own flock, which has resulted in many conflicts and mistrust between flocks. 


Magic varies between each flock and is dependant upon their area, it also scales between each Lagois, with some having more magic potential than others:

Sol Vitae: 

Due to their warm and bright environment, they draw their magic from the sun, though powerful, their magic has some limitations, as once the sun goes down they are unable to use their magic. However, they have found ways to obtain energy from the sun and contain it in order to use it within dire situations, although only the Order of Sol who protect the flock are allowed to use this supply of magic. By drawing magic from the sun, the magic wielded by Sol Vitae can be used in many different ways, from fire magic to shielding magic, allowing warriors and mages to use this magic in any way that benefits them.

Regnum Naturae:  

Their close affinity with nature has allowed this flock to merge with nature to use it to aid  their development, their magic is used mostly for construction, controlling vines and plants around them to create a system of treehouses  high up away from the dangers of the forest floor. They often lend their aid to Sol Vitae through their healing magic and knowledge of varying herbs and plants to cure sickness, while also providing defence through their ability to control plants to reinforce and attack any unwanted flocks. Though mostly used for defence and support, there are sub classes within this flock that use nature for purely offence, which makes them tanky and dangerous should you encounter them within battle.

Caelo Astra: 

Mostly reliant on their advanced technology, the Lagois of Caelo Astra still use magic though its mostly combined with their technology. This flock draws power and magic from the lunar cycle and crystals that power their technology, which has allowed them to develop powerful weapons to fight their foes, and to advance faster than any other flock. Unlike the other flocks, they tend to be independent  and only trust those from their own flock, they don't see why they their power should be held back by their environment, most of their armour and weapons contain lunar crystals that serve to enhance their strength while having no visible drawbacks.

(An original species created by me, please dont not trace or distribute anywhere else without my permission!!)