


Trait Rarities


2 tails of any kind; 2 horns of any kind; any accesories; any tail/ear/fur/eye/snout types; gills/fins; claws on front paws; robotic parts (cant be fully robotic)



3 tails; 4 horns; plant growth; crystal growth; water parts; antennae; halos; unusually shaped bells (includes transparent bells); spikes; misty fur; translucent parts; terrarium/aquarium partsUntitled338_20220429232837.png


4 tails; 2 wings; patternshifting (kinda like shapeshifting but the char has 2 designs that it can switch between, or certain patterns that can change colour etc), undead features (exposed bones, organs etc), extra eyesSPOILER_SPOILER_Untitled338_202204292357


5+ tails; 4+ wings: extra limbs; extra heads; detached parts; any missing body parts; object headsUntitled534_20220625182134.png


-all of these traits are optional, except for the minimum amount of 2 tails and horns

- at least 2 tails r needed for a cryox to be considered a cryox

- rare, legendary and elusive cryoxes need at least 1 of the traits from their appropriate rarity to be considered rare, legendary, or epic

- you need the Mystic Scroll item for your cryox to have a canon transformation form of anything other than cryox

- legendary cryoxes cannot be upgraded to elusive