Welcome to NoxNovis home of the Nyxii's a closed species created by miz-inthesky

How to make your own Nyxii

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Nyxii's are a race of Humanoid aliens that reside throughout the universe. Their home planet is NoxNovis in the galaxy of Phantasma. Their galaxy lies near the end of the universe. So they don't get too many visitors to their home planet. Since NoxNovis is a rogue planet it orbits no sun and has no moon. Because of this, the planet has very little light or warmth. The conditions on the planet are not very suitable for life. However, the Nyxii's are a resourceful species with high intellect and they have managed to survive in these conditions for almost a 1000 years. They are a peaceful civilization however if provoked they can become a formidable enemy.




Over 1500 years ago the planet Nox Novis was a beautiful place with lush forests, gorgeous mountains and sparkling oceans. The main inhabitants are the Nyxii's a highly intelligent and peaceful species. They built great city's carved from stone using their powers. For many moon's the Nyxii's home planet thrived. As they traded and worked with other species not just, throughout their galaxy, but the universe as well.

Until the Prince of the Adracil on the planet of Zenith became infatuated with the Oracle of Ice. However she rejected his advances due to haven taken a sacred oath as an Oracle not to marry or bear young. She then prophesied if he continued on this path it would lead to the end of his planet. Outraged at this he cut her down where she stood. This act started what would be come a 500-year war of attrition, between the Adracil and the Nyxii.

Over the 500 years, there were many attacks on Nox Novis. Many of the craters from the bombs, can still be seen on the surface today. At the climax of the war, the Adracil had created a devastating weapon Codename: DEX-Ignis that harnessed power from their shared sun Luxus. Before they could use it to annihilate the planet Nox Novis. The resistance formed of Nyxii's, Parasector's and Adracil (who were against the war) Infiltrated the military base where the weapon was held. What they found there is unknown. But some how instead of dismantling it like they planned, the weapon backfired destroying the planet Zenith. The resulting catastrophic blast ejected Nox Novis from its orbit around Luxus, sending the planet far across the solar system. With no sun nor moon the planet was plunged into eternal darkness. Now the once beautiful planet became a cold, icy wasteland. Where nothing can survive on the surface. The Nyxii's who survived have now made a new home deep underground.
Now a 1000 years have passed since then and the Nyxii's continue to thrive on their home planet despite the conditions. 



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