Dei Pax is a world connected to Earth via a Portal in an underground cave in Oregon. The sky is Green, the clouds are brown. The darker the clouds the more rain they hold. All plant life besides flowers is shades of blue. The grass is blue and the dirt and rocks are white and made of Diamond dust with rare specks of black coal. There is 3 continents. There is Isra which is connected to Abraha another continent via a land bridge. The only other continent is Gibeona a large Island continent home to many giant forms of species that is related to species on other continents. Isra is a long continent that stretches all the way across the Northern Hemisphere. Abraha is a continent that's north side is connected to South West Isra. Abraha stretches from the equator to cooler regions in the Polar areas. The planet is warmer then earth in it doesn't have ice caps all year round but during winter the more polar areas get colder and harsh winters form ice caps. Season's last twice as long as on Earth. The winters and summers are more Harsh then the UK but not as bad as Canada. The closer to the poles the colder they get. Abraha is a more mountainous area same as Southern Isra. Gibeona is a more tropical Island with dense rain forests with quick growing plants and trees. The more clean the river the more it reflects the green skies. Swampy rivers and lakes are blue. There is several sentient species on the planet which are species created by and owned by others that I adopted characters of.

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