
DISCLAIMER: The contents in the lore is purely fictional with a bit of added real-world research! Lore also contains potential themes of parasites, thalassophobia and themes of inhumane experimentation.


These seemingly-regular individuals are lifeless husks with a deep-sea creature known as a 'sea terror' piloting/inhabiting them! Dreadnauts can easily be mistaken as your regular humanoid passing by, you can even say they've (almost) mastered the art of disguise.

Scientists and researchers are still trying to get to the bottom of this deep-sea mystery, making countless efforts to trace their origins and push marine biology research to new heights. It is a known fact that as of current, only 5% of the world's ocean has been charted—researchers are curious if these 'sea terrors' can contribute new knowledge to science. Unknowingly to them, it seems that these highly intelligent sea terrors have walked along with human and humanoidkind for millenia.

Dreadnautkind's intentions as a whole with the surface is still unknown—but rumors have been spreading around about some sea terrors 'surfacing', leaving their deepsea homes and pursuing life above sea level as Dreadnauts; some have even made peace with surface communities. Other rumors that have spread is that these 'Dreadnauts' are lifeless killers who only want nothing but destruction to everything around them. These 'peaceful' Dreadnauts are affected by the discrimination and generalization of the masses due to an aggressive and hostile group within their species.

Q. What's a 'Sea Terror'?

  • A. These highly-intelligent life forms come from Sunken Eye Gorge, an obscure underwater cave, within the deepest depths of the Mariana Trench a.k.a. Challenger Deep level. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, some may even say they're an alien lifeform from the abyss.
Q. What's the etymology for the name Dreadnaut?

  • A. Derived from the word "Dreadnought"—Formerly a name choosen by the sea terrors themselves as a way to introduce their kind to humans and humanoids. The term has since then been twisted into "Dreadnauts" which combine the word Dread + Nautical, which dubbed them as the 'dreaded surface explorers.' Of course, the nauts themselves wish to turn this meaning around into the term "Dreadnaught" as in "Fear not, we come in peace."
Q. If they reside within a shell... does this mean these 'sea terrors' are parasitic?

  • A. Yes and No.

    "Parasitic" by scientific definition means that the relationship of two living organisms is where only one party is benefitted and the other is harmed. Dreadnauts are essentially lifeless suits for the sea terrors to pilot, and every projected emotion of the naut is the sea terror's emotion. Usual sea terrors are able to generate their own softshells/hardshells by default. It only becomes parasitic when a sea terror cannot generate its own shell and has to find a living being to inhabit.


As of current, sea terror and Dreadnaut origins have not been proven yet. Due to limitations of modern human equipment and capabilities, it is hard to conduct experiments on main areas of interest—only hypotheses and theories have been created thus far.

Dr. ■■■, a well-known marine biologist and physician, has brought up a notable theory backed with extremely credible evidence. He claims that ■■■■■■ and ■■■ may have something to do with the ■■■ of se∆€ _A30027¢€ ®£ °∆€^5v€[DATA HAS BEEN REMOVED AS PER GOVERNMENT REQUEST.]

Fig. 1.1 — Sunken Eye Gorge Entrance, photographer unknown.


The most notable evidence acquired so far is a photograph of Sunken Eye Gorge, found from a recovered camera while a group of scientists were attempting to chart the Mariana Trench last 1964 with an unmanned submarine named '■■■'. Said scientists claim that this camera belonged to a professional diver group that tried to go beyond Challenger Deep level. Other images have also been found along the cavern photograph, but researchers are still attempting to restore the corrupted photographs. (■■■ et al., 2005)

The original image of Sunken Eye Gorge presented no color, but thanks to hypotheses and deductions, a group of scientists were able to restore a rough estimate of what the sea cave may actually look like in person. (2006) The photo shows a rocky, dimly-lit seafloor with a few patches of seagrass. Most notable parts of the images is the seemingly bottomless pit shown on the photograph above; alongside an arching rock formation that seems to project an illusion of the pit and the trench's skyline to be intersecting on the horizon point.

Another piece of restored evidence comes from a book lost to time. In late 2004, Inte€rnet user 'fishlover82' posted an image, on an internet forum board with the caption:

"found this stuck between the pages of a notebook. sum one probly left it"

The image presents itself in the form of a guidebook that showed an extra cavern within the Mariana Trench. Explorers took great interest in this map—prompting the question of whether or not this area of interest is actually linked to th∆e origins of sea terror[s.

Fig. 1.2 — "Terrors of the Sea" Restored Page showing what's beyond Challenger Deep.



Most of Dreadnautkind by default are ostracized from a lot of communities due to their bad reputation. No matter if their sea terror wishes to make peace or is hostile, they recieve the same treatment. Some non-Dreadnaut groups have started to protest against this terrible treatment—all while making sure to get rid of the hostile Dreadnauts. This stigmatization has spread because of a small group of extremist Dreadnau□ts who sabotage every and any effort for land and sea to make peace.



Even with the struggle that Dreadnauts face, another group named 'Peacemakers' strive to blur the line between the relations of humans and sea terrors. Their efforts are not in vain, considering that a lot of communities have started accepting the peace offerings of these deep-sea creatures. They are always alert and on the lookout for any potential sabotages that may ruin their image.



Dreadnauts turned out to be closely tied with human history more than we thought. Ever since Dreadnaughts have caught the attentions of multiple researchers, more and more concrete evidence point to the existence of mermaids. Not only that, other mysteries of the ocean seems to be associated with sea terrors as well.

A study from ■■■■■ LABS CO. has recently proven that the sailors sightings of mermaids in lore were actually early sightings of Dreadnauts, when these sea creatures have only recently been discovering surfacekind from 1000 B.C.

... Scientists are still not sure if the image of the Lochness Monster is actually a sea terror sighting. Skeptics claim that it is just a whale's [DATA REMOVED]