It is not so unfamiliar, this sensation of slipping between realities. It is so much gentler than the first time… It pulls at your heart and your body, aching, like a homesickness for a place you’ve never been.


The dittech allows pokemon to assume human form. It was a revolutionary device which changed the course of history forever- and humans are not even aware of its existence, nor the rise of the pokehuman society which was born from it.

The first dittech distribution was in 14 years ago, and since then pokehumans have adapted lives of their own, free from any troubles they may have faced as unequal partners to humans. The dittech itself has spread from Kalos where it was first developed to across the world-- though many pokehumans still choose to travel to Kalos and even Amie Isle to be at the center of their secret society.

Pokemon Amie RP

This group is a sequel to Pokemon Amie RP, however membership in PMA is not required to participate in PMR! Though there will be some references to the events of PMA, PMR is a reboot of the world in a literal sense of the word, and knowledge of prior events is not a hard requirement. You can however find a recap of events on the Deja Vecu page, since that is a mechanic that involves the past group.

This group is invitation only!