

This is a SEMI-OPEN species.


  • Work Happens behind the scenes as of now!


Anccubi are a species consisting of traits from wolf, rabbit and incubi/demon genetics. - Male Anccubi make up about 2% of the population, and are generally weaker than females. - Males vary in height, ranging between 5'9 and 7'5. - Females generally mature faster than males, and range between 4'5 and 5'9 - Anccubi have varying traits, their tails range from small stubs to long, masses of fur. - All Anccubi have horns, some Anccubi have multiple sets of horns. - Most Anccubi have wings that are attached to their pelvis, wings can range from small to large. - About 5% are born without wings. - Anccubi do not age past maturity, they do not die from old age and are immune to most diseases. - Anccubi can die from unnatural causes, such as injury and drowning. - Anccubi can heal at a rate 400% higher than humans. - Anccubi have extremely strong, thick skin, making them generally impenetrable to blades and bullets. - Some Anccubi have special traits, including special abilities that are unique to the specimen. - Anccubi are extremely fertile creatures. They do not undergo menopause and stay fertile their entire life. - Anccubi can produce multiple offspring every year. - Anccubi have wide, hollow pelvises, therefore, labor and birth are not painful or damaging. - Anccubi do not produce milk, therefore, they do not breastfeed their young. - Anccubi bone marrow has been researched and shown as a cure-all for many terminal diseases, including HIV and certain types of cancer. - Anccubi bone marrow has also been shown to cure infertility. - Anccubi stem cells can repair any and all damaged tissue in any species. - The blood of an Anccubi can be used for transfusion, no matter the receivers blood type.


-The Current Lore is slowly being rewritten to remove a majority of the incredibly triggering themes it originally contained. Please have patience with us as we are figuring things out on our end!-



- Sections under Construction! Excuse the Copy-Paste Filler Text!


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Proin id lacus et libero lacinia cursus quis eget diam. Ut a accumsan risus. Proin a ipsum nisi. Nulla accumsan vitae nulla tempus ultricies. Maecenas varius lorem leo, eget accumsan dui volutpat eget.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Etiam fringilla mi eu tellus dignissim, id auctor ex dapibus. Etiam efficitur imperdiet nibh et aliquet. Quisque vitae lacus magna. Nulla sollicitudin neque vitae fermentum rhoncus.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Pellentesque volutpat pulvinar massa sit amet malesuada. Cras cursus mollis lorem aliquet suscipit. Vivamus lacinia dignissim dui. Etiam eu fringilla nisi, non hendrerit ex. Nullam et placerat purus. Aenean malesuada vitae sem sed porttitor. Sed a scelerisque magna.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Proin id lacus et libero lacinia cursus quis eget diam. Ut a accumsan risus. Proin a ipsum nisi. Nulla accumsan vitae nulla tempus ultricies. Maecenas varius lorem leo, eget accumsan dui volutpat eget.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Etiam fringilla mi eu tellus dignissim, id auctor ex dapibus. Etiam efficitur imperdiet nibh et aliquet. Quisque vitae lacus magna. Nulla sollicitudin neque vitae fermentum rhoncus.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Pellentesque volutpat pulvinar massa sit amet malesuada. Cras cursus mollis lorem aliquet suscipit. Vivamus lacinia dignissim dui. Etiam eu fringilla nisi, non hendrerit ex. Nullam et placerat purus. Aenean malesuada vitae sem sed porttitor. Sed a scelerisque magna.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Proin id lacus et libero lacinia cursus quis eget diam. Ut a accumsan risus. Proin a ipsum nisi. Nulla accumsan vitae nulla tempus ultricies. Maecenas varius lorem leo, eget accumsan dui volutpat eget.


(Click image to see full resolution)


Description/ specifications of trait. Etiam fringilla mi eu tellus dignissim, id auctor ex dapibus. Etiam efficitur imperdiet nibh et aliquet. Quisque vitae lacus magna. Nulla sollicitudin neque vitae fermentum rhoncus.


(Click image to see full resolution)