Adopt rules

๐–„๐–”๐–š ๐–ˆ๐–†๐–“

  • Use the character for personal use
  • Give to adopt a name, a personality, you can create clothing, and if REALLY wanted, remove one trait you didnยดt like. ( but if you have to change everything maybe you have to search for another adopt? ). Please credit me for the design where necessary.
  • You can use it for a story , for an avatar , for a signature , in rp story and so on
  • You can resell the adoptable if you don't want it anymore for THE SAME PRICE you bought it, no more, if character does not include extra art. Of course, to be fair, if you re-sell your Dionaean and have art for it, you can add those arts in the price as well!
  • Is required if you resell or trade one of my adopt , to tell me the new owner name , please? I just want to trey to keep track of Dionaeans!
  • You can create MLP forms for Dionaeans, but please, make them look like their original design as much as possible and remember to credit Volvom as species creator.

๐–„๐–”๐–š ๐–ˆ๐–†๐–“ ๐–“๐–”๐–™

  • You can't claim the art or the original design as your own. EXPECT in MYO.
  • You can't claim a refund , buy the adopt only if you want it , if you don't want it anymore you can resell it by yourself
  • You can't drop, hide a bid comment or edit your bid in auctions or OTA - adopts. While bidding, be sure you really want it!
  • You can't resell a MYO slot. MYO is for personal use only.

โ˜… โ˜… โ˜… I reserve the right to change these terms if necessary, I advise you to read the rules again if it has been too long since the last time. I will mostly inform in discord server or in FurAffinity, if there is some updates โ˜… โ˜… โ˜