Terms of Service

By participating in this species, you are agreeing to the terms of service laid out here in this page. This also includes group rules!

1. This world is only for DelicacyPals, any characters related but are not DelicacyPals may not be submitted to the world

2. Harassment is never okay, please keep personal issues outside of the commmunity. This is a unless if it breaks the TOS in some way, in that case, please DM a staff member.

3. Please be respectful to everyone! Please resolve personal issues privately.

4. You do not need a DelicacyPal to participate in any way! Everyone is welcome!

5. DelicacyPals are not to be used for hate speech or harmful stereotypes against any race, culture, religion, etc. This will not be tolerated.

6. Characters that are made to condone content such as incest, pedophilia, racism, nazi, etc. will not be tolerated and not allowed.

7. Any morally wrong content such as but not limited to: illegal activity such as pedophilia, incest, racism, nazi, etc. will result in a blacklist if found out. This will automatically VOID your delicacypal if you have any.

8. You must be 13+ and own a toyhouse account to partake in the species. If you are found out to be younger than 13, you will be reported and kicked out for your own safety.

Note that this TOS will be updated at a later date; no note here is final.

We will make a publicly available blacklist at a later date