















"Only one can rule them all."

A mystical land. filled with all your fantasy desires.. there lies five kingdoms, one of them in ruin.

Decades after the great war, we shall follow the adventures of their todays generation of citizens all unique in their own way! are they friend or foe? one way to find out.

Multiple rulers, a vast majority of citizens. what story will they all hold? will they finally establish peace once and for all or will another war break out... their lives all depend on themselves. each of their choices matter, one decision could either do the slightest or have the biggest impact. to them, or to everyone. becareful,, young travelers.

It all started from a simple querel, friendships we're made and broken. jealousy, hatred, and selfishness all spiraled it out of control.

Gather around, shall I read you a short sentence to entice you from it's history books? please, do so listen.. The fall of Incendiary, The Candlelights betreyal, total destruction of Cybernova, the five power sources, and the mysteries that lie between Divinia.. Come with me, and find more secrets hidden between the history books.

-Professor [REDACTED]


The Castle

" Welcome to the family jewels "


Dorothea of Candlelight

A kindhearted queen, unlike it's previous monarchs. Doing her best for the kingdom, to make up for it's past wrong doings.

'Chain' of Incendiary

A vicious sadistic king. known for being threatening, and giving no ounce of mercy. I suggest you stay out of his kingdom

Mika and Elvryc of Celestial Cloud

The friendliest of them all. we're all surprised how they manage to strive despite the cruel circumstances of each kingdom. very welcoming they are!

Aundrefea of Divinia

(wip) Not much is known about her, all we know is that she is one scary queen. stricting all of her citizens inside the kingdom and forbidding any trespassers at all cost.


Candlelight Kingdom

Gorgeous candle kingdom, don in medieval surroundings. protected by a giant glass dome, it seals itself away.

Incendiary Kingdom

In the corners of the land, lies a snowy thundra known as 'Incendiary Kingdom'. littered with land mines, sharp rock edges that could surely impale you. nobody dare goes near this kingdom.

Celestial Cloud Kingdom

Look up! a kingdom in the skies. the well known cloud kingdom passes by! may you please come to visit? they are very welcoming!... if you get up to the kingdom, that is.

Code by AviCode