acrynom for "buddies amazing and cool company ohyes" !

mascot of these little creaturas

buddy A00 ← (buddy is the placeholder name, while the number and letter is what tells each bot apart, all bots have different strings.)

open species!

rules to making a buddy :

1 : its needs to be a robot and it needs to have some sort of purpose - whether its mutiple or a single purpose

2 : buddies NEED to be animal bots, for the company's marketing and shit, if it has a slight resemblance to an animal then u good

3 : settings button is needed! can be placed anywhere youd like

4 : be as creative as u want :thumbs up:

BTW break any of these rules if u want lmfao i rlly dont mind, creative freedom is all i care for

real old buddy info, most of these may or may not apply anymore ↓


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