There are 3 types of "Beings" in the Bewilthred universe, that being:


Peace, Chaos, and Divinity keep the 3 key forces in bewilthred universe in check. They were formed at the beginning of time and they have their essence stored in their soulstone (it’s the round x thing on their chests). When a Keeper dies the force they maintain in the universe is replaced by someone else (like for example, Chaos was supposed to when he died Omne kind of took up that role for him. The same would apply to The WOP if Peace was dethroned or something)


Eternals are beings that (like Keeper's) were created at the beginning of time…or in some lucky cases, were mortals who (by the power of Chaos) would be revived as Eternals. Although they can live for eons, they can still die and be harmed physically, though it’s not rare for them to be stronger than their mortal counterparts. Some examples of eternals are Hanabi, Eira, Anastasia (Anya), Andromeda, Apollo, and Ananova (Nova)


Mortals are well…Mortals. They live for a limited time and can be hurt/killed easily. Powers/Abilities depend on species (Humans can’t do anything but Elementarians for example have elemental magic woah)