myo sale and raffle

Please be sure to read our TOS before purchasing a slot!

myo sale stock

Common: 5 ; $10 per slot

Rare: 2 ; $25 per slot

You can claim one per person, as well as claim for other people! Simply comment asking for one, payment through paypal. You have 24 hours to pay, please keep that in mind. If you purchase a slot (for yourself) you cannot enter the raffle for said slot rarity!

free myo raffle

Common (5 slots):

Rare (5 slots):

closes in 24 hours!


👁️ April Newsletter

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

april newsletter

Hello everyone! Due to recent events in my life, this month will be another non-event month. Thanks for understanding!

Just a reminder about our mystery setprice adopt batch later this month! :]

guest artist applications

no applications for this month!

myo sale and raffle

there will be a sale for 7 common slots ($10) and 5 rare ($25) on the 20th! We will also have our monthly raffle for 2 common slots and 2 rare (free). Please keep in mind, you cannot purchase a slot if you win the raffle- vice versa. Raffle slots are gift and trade only.


myo sale and raffle

Please be sure to read our TOS before purchasing a slot!

myo sale stock

Common: 3 ; $10 per slot

Rare: 0 ; $25 per slot

You can claim one per person, as well as claim for other people! Simply comment asking for one, payment through paypal. You have 24 hours to pay, please keep that in mind. If you purchase a slot (for yourself) you cannot enter the raffle for said slot rarity!

free myo raffle

Common (5 slots):

Rare (5 slots):

closes in 24 hours!


Liquid Gold GA Adopt

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Mirael

New BTA adopt up by kiba_00

Check it it out >>here<<!61969424_H3uMdB0tG.png?width=813&height=

👁️ March Newsletter

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by elusiveknives


Break month before events for April :]!

A bit of an early notice, but we'll have a set-price mystery batch for April!

guest artist applications

no applications for this month!

myo sale and raffle

there will be a sale for 7 common slots ($10) and 5 rare ($25) on the 20th! We will also have our monthly raffle for 4 common slots and 4 rare (free). Please keep in mind, you cannot purchase a slot if you win the raffle- vice versa. Raffle slots are gift and trade only.


flames and shimmering snowfall gacha batch



Roll: $25

Reroll: $10

AB: $50


from left to right...

grimling \\ chuupew \\ SleepyDragonnn (CB) \\ gutter (CB) \\ uhenishi \\ LeftonRed (CB) \\ rinri0527 \\ Mirael \\ nightbuns (CB) \\ Nyompyland \\ rowannullart \\ _elusive \\ eggybaconeggytea \\ Legendary_potatoes \\ Kourakia \\ mayuniki

We require you to follow both the species TOS and the artist's. You can claim for other people! We allow only one reroll. Please pay within 24 hours or you may lose the chance to pay. ABs will be prioritized. All are common except for the CBs! For rerolls, $10 will be given to the rolled artist (to cover the reroll). It will still be $25 to keep the newly rolled design!

Regarding Tokens

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by elusiveknives

Transferring Tokens

Hello hello!! I am just posting a general reminder here there Tokens are account bound, as they are 100% free. I've seen a lot of confusion revolving around this and want to avoid any messy situations, which is why I'm just kindly letting everyone know you cannot trade or gift them :] ! Slots, however, will always be transferable, such as ones earned through raffles or sales.

If you're in the process of trading for a Token, I recommend not doing so as we will not transfer them nor provide any compensation. If you see someone trading a Token, please privately let a staff member know so we can inform them that it cannot be transferred, that way someone doesn't accidently accept it and make art/trade a character for something they cannot receive!

As always thank you for the support!! Thank you <3

🐯Tiger's Stage Play [event]

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by elusiveknives

february event


It is during the time of winter when, within the realm of Eirlys, a festival is held in honor of one of the minor Gods known as Bakkhos. Quite a boistrous soul, Bakkhos protects a small village within Eirlys, his life even after death granted by Airla themselves.

He loves parties and celebration, but even more than that, he loves entertainment such as movies and plays!

tiger's stage play (art)

During the month of February, with a deadline of February 28th, members can make a Play poster with Eisangelia of their choice! It must have a title, and the piece must have at minmum clean color and a simple background. Members who complete this event will earn one Fortune and +50% SR for their piece calculation.

You can earn +100% SR if you use the following limited color palette, but this is not required.


Submit it in the comments of this bulletin!

Eisangelia Used: (if the Eisangel doesn't belong to you, let us know! please provide ML #s or links)
Link to Img:

tiger's stage play (writing)

Don't draw? No worries! There's an alternative for those of you wanting a Fortune (you can also earn a second one if you complete the art event section).

This writing/RP event will be held in the Discord in the later weeks of February.

👁️ February Newsletter

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by elusiveknives

february newsletter

February!! This is our event month, so please look forward to the events we'll be hosting!

We will be having a chibi gacha batch on the 15th!

Click here to be redirected to the event bulletin!

guest artist applications

closes on the 7thth!

myo sale and raffle

there will be a sale for 7 common slots ($10) and 5 rare ($25) on the 20th! We will also have our monthly raffle for 4 common slots and 2 rare (free). Please keep in mind, you cannot purchase a slot if you win the raffle- vice versa. Raffle slots are gift and trade only.


myo sale and raffle

WOOO Our first MYO sale & raffle!!

Please be sure to read our TOS before purchasing a slot!

myo sale stock

Common: 6 ; $10 per slot

Rare: 0 ; $25 per slot

You can claim one per person, as well as claim for other people! Simply comment asking for one, payment through paypal. You have 24 hours to pay, please keep that in mind.

free myo raffle

Common (3 slots):

Rare (3 slots):

closes in 24 hours!
