Cozy Springs Official Adopt

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

New adoptable is up created by Legendary_potatoes ! Check it out here!


FTE raffle!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

New raffle!! You can enter here:

🐇 Common Adoptable

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

New adoptable up by rowannullart ! Please check it out <3

👁️ January Newsletter

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

january newsletter

Our first monthly bulletin, wooo! Thank you for everyone who has supported the species so far, it really means a lot and the species has exceeded my expectations. I am really grateful!

January will be one of our more quiet months regarding events. However, February will be our first event month. Please look forward to it! Features such as quests are still being worked on, but I hope to finish the first one as soon as possible. I just have a few art assets left and it'll be done. Nevertheless, moving onto important stuff...

guest artist applications

closes on the 5th!

myo sale and raffle

there will be a sale for 7 common slots ($10) and 5 rare ($25) on the 15th! We will also have our monthly raffle for 4 common slots and 2 rare (free). Please keep in mind, you cannot purchase a slot if you win the raffle- vice versa. Raffle slots are gift and trade only.


Snow Eisangel Auction

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by elusiveknives

permanent designer and moderator apps

We have opened applications for perm artists and moderators! Perm designers close in 48 hours, no deadline for moderator. Please read the provided information thoroughly before applying!


Fortune Arcana Collections

🤍✧. │MYO Information

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by elusiveknives

MYO Info

How to Obtain

You can gain an MYO slot through multiple methods!

  • Redeeming your free Token!
  • Purchasing during a sale
  • Winning a free monthly raffle
  • Purchasing a slot using sigilis rings, our species currency
  • Joining the discord, as you can purchase slots using the server currency, community credits!


  • Common Slot: $10
  • Rare Slot: $25

Payment via Paypal! During a sale, we ask that you please transfer the money within 24 hours of a response. Please keep in mind, common slots are quite easy to get ahold of if you put in the effort or manage to get lucky! However, all MYO sale earnings are split between the moderators and admins of the species. Your support is very much so appreciated!

MYO Approval Guidelines

Please be sure to read out ToS, as well as carefully read over the trait guide! To be sure your Eisangel is ready for approval, we suggest sending a wip into the Discord server! We do not accept MYO checks through the Masterlist.

  • The image must be fully colored and clean enough to tell what is what.
  • Please try not to use poses that may obstruct traits (as long as there is one clear, full body image that showcase the traits, that's all that matters!)
  • Keep the image SFW, do not include any suggestive or sexual objects, clothing, poses, or expressions. You may make a secondary reference for that, but please keep in mind that the image you provide will go on the public Masterlist.
  • We very much recommend you to save your original art file in case changes may be requested!


Redesign Guidelines

When redesigning your Eisangelia, we ask that you please follow the form and rules we have set! Make sure you are familiar with the design ToS as well.

  • Must keep the design approximately 80% the same.
  • Do not lighten skin tones, like making a dark-skinned Eisangel to a pale-skinned one. Unless changing it to an unnatural color (such as bright red, or dark purple), we ask that you not modify it at all!
  • Clothes are not traited! You do not need to submit a redesign form for an outfit change
  • You may submit a redesign form once per month! This is ignored if you are a new owner and would like to adjust the character.


  • Please DM the masterlist with the following form. Make sure to title the message "[username] - MYO Design Submission".

    • Artist/Designer:
    • Owner:
    • Rarity:
    • Slot Link:
    • Traits:
    • Items Used: leave blank if not applicable
  • Please DM the masterlist with the following form. Make sure to title the message "[username] - Redesign Submission".

    • Masterlist Link:
    • Artist/Designer:
    • Rarity:
    • Traits:
    • Items Used: leave blank if not applicable