               Click to go see Capra

3254038?1652599099               Click to go see Plumes

dex3b7j-90fcc299-3ed2-4dc2-90f8-638feae5              Click to go see Wixxon

Kinward- Aucuba - Wixxon- LitWix - closed species
    [I'm slowly working on moving my closed species from D/A to here and one day to its own website! :)]banner_wixxon_cs_by_wixxon_ml_debuthr-fu
In the world of Aucuba (ah-cue-bah), a planet in its solar system third from the sun, with large to small continents, and seas that cover most of its surface.
Aucuba is home to many creatures. Flying types that soar the skies to those that burrow under the ground.
 With diverse terrains that are true utopias to harsh and rugged landscapes that make it difficult for life to grow. 
Aucuba is just as full of diverse and exotic creatures (Wixxon, Veil, Plumes, and more) as it is with humanoid creatures. (To name a few; human, elvish, dryad, fae, ECT.)
"Hi there, we are so excited to showcase this new closed species with its very own group. Come on in and join us! C:
We ask that you are patient in this time of inventing the World of Aucuba and the Wixxon who inhabit it. Our journey is far from complete, and we hope you will stay with us as we pave that new path!"


Latest Bulletin


Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by BearDrool

Terms of Service

1. Game and playable characters

1.a Acquisitionplayable characters (also called “adoptables") are acquired through sales of adoptables from moderators of the game or through group features and events.Playable characters may also be acquired through player-to-player trades. Official Wixxon characters will be documented in our Wixxon-ML.Wixxon species are a closed species. This means that they cannot be created without explicit permission, or by having earned relevant items via events and prompts BearDrool holds here or in the discord or on Kinward.net.
1.b ResaleAdoptables purchased from approved Wixxon designers are not refundable. Transactions for adoptables are final. You may, however, resell your adoptable.Resale of purchased adoptables is allowed at the original price plus any commissioned artwork value and/or character upgrade value.Resales of characters with significant extra art done by the owner may be resold at a higher price than the original sale price. You may price the extra art how you see is fair.Adoptables earned via in-game events, free giveaways, or otherwise not originally created and received in exchange for real life money may not be sold at any time but may be donated back to Wixxon-ML to be redesigned and raffled off.
1.c Trading
After transferring a character over to another player, you no longer have control of that character’s development in the game. The new owner has the rights to the character and any changes they wish to make.
1.d Co-ownershipCo-ownership is not officially recognized by Kinward, BearDrool and we are not responsible for any disputes over design ownership resulting from co-ownership. The master list will only recognize one owner.

2. User Submitted Content

Visitors may post content as long as it is not obscene, illegal, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or injurious in any other way to third parties. It must also follow relevant guidelines outlined in the terms and other supplementary rules.Group and ARPG artwork, writing, and other submitted content must be appropriate for ages 13 and up. Gore, nudity, and implied sexual content should be tagged and hidden/spoilered.Content submitted for the ARPG must be original work or the player must have proper permission to use content submitted to the group. Stolen or traced artwork is strictly prohibited and may result in a suspension or ban from the game.We reserve the right to edit and/or remove content which does not follow the guidelines outlined in the terms and in supplementary rules.

3. Copyright

Content created by Kinward/BearDroo or its affiliated creators (digital downloads, images, texts, graphics, logos, etc.) is the property of BearDrool and Kinward and/or its content creators and protected by international copyright laws. Players who submit user-generated content (user profiles, character concepts and designs, stories, and any other content created by a player) retain full ownership of this content submitted by them.By creating or purchasing a Wixxon species design, you agree that Kinward/BearDrool retains the copyright of the species, traits, lore, and branding; however, Wixxon-CS does not make claim to the characters or designs inspiring derivative content created with Kinward/BearDrool’s provided bases, species, traits, concepts, etc.Users are free to use their owned and masterlist-registered Wixxon designs outside of the closed species group, for non-commercial purposes and must retain credits. These individual designs are owned by the users and thus we do not restrict their use in non-commercial activities, including but not limited to: using the characters/designs in role play outside of Wixxon canon, using the characters/designs in other art roleplay games (ARPGs), etc.In the event of a ban, a user account may be permanently prohibited in participating in Kinward and/or its adjacent activities. However: at no point will Kinward or Bear-Drool ever repossess or retract a design you own that you previously purchased or created via Kinward.- In the case of a chargeback, or situation where payment is returned to the intended purchaser of an adoptable, that adoptable is not considered owned by that individual, as they did not complete the purchase.

4. Code of Conduct

Cheating, creating falsified numbers regarding in-game items will result in an immediate ban from the Wixxon-CS
Players are to remain respectful towards one another.
 No homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or otherwise hateful language will be tolerated; using such will result in disciplinary action.
Players can choose who they interact with in-game and cannot pressure others to play with their characters specifically. 
Players are strongly discouraged from posting guilting or begging messages on any platforms. Begging for adopts or other player characters or items will result in a warning.
  • In no way should players stop others from purchasing from a flatsale or stop players from entering in auctions, or raffles in hopes they or their friends have higher chances of winning said adopts.
Players are encouraged to help one another with the game but are discouraged from “mini-modding" or acting in place of a moderator. 
Please allow staff moderators to answer user questions that require staff attention, as well as handle disagreements that occur.
Conduct between users should remain respectful at all times and disagreements or altercations should be reported to a member of moderation staff so that defusal of the situation may occur and disciplinary action may be taken if necessary.
Moderation staff have the right to warn, suspend, and/or ban those who break these Terms of Service, supplementary rules, or who create significant game disruptions.
This is defined subjectively by the moderation team.

Wixxon is a closed species Bear-Drool designed. 

A list of different Event Rules

Draw to adopt event Rules  

  • This will NOT be based on skill.  
  • RNG will be used to choose a winner!  
  • You MUST submit to the Group Event Forum that is hosting it to enter. Events on Toyhouse
  • You may enter as many times as you wish. 1 submission = 1 entry.  
  • Entries must be AT MINIMUM clean color and rough sketch of the chest and above (a bust).  
  • You may not trace, copy, steal, or use line-arts or bases of any kind.  
  • The art must be unique and made for this DTA only.  
  • You MAY use stamp brushes or textures.  
  • You MAY NOT use photographs in place of backgrounds (you must DRAW the background yourself).  
  • You may NOT alter the design or traits.  
  • Draw the Wixxon as it is.  
  • You may interpret their personality, gender, background, and abilities as you wish.  
  • The winner of the Wixxon will be allowed to keep all art entries submitted for this DTA.  
  • If you do not wish for the winner to keep your art entries (such as to put on a Toyhou.se page) then do not enter.  
  • You MAY use this DTA Wixxon to participate in monthly prompts until this DTA ends.

Example: of minimum requirement.Break down: -flat Color-sketch lines-no shading-bustunknown_by_bear_drool_df7w1mw-400t.png?t

Story Boarding EVENT RULES

Please send us a group note if you have questions about your requirements!This event is meant to take place in one location per playthrough - the different activities in the prompts must all occur within the same setting depicted in the introduction. However, you are welcome to complete the event as many times as you'd like and may use different locations and Wixxon for each playthrough!
  • Flicker Coins from completing prompts may only be earned twice per prompt. total: 10FC
  • At least one Wixxon in each entry should be depicted as being full-bodied.
  • Commissions are allowed, however, raffle tickets, and prizes go to the buyer only.
  • YCHs/YEHs will not be allowed for this event.
  • You are welcome to offer YCH/YEH slots for artwork inspired by this event, but due to the complexity of multiple people funding a single artwork it will not be compatible with the bonus and prize structure and will not count as an event entry.
  • Collaborations are not allowed for this activity, but you can work together on a storyline while submitting separate artwork or writing submissions. RP is an exception (see below).
  • Roleplay writing is allowed for this activity, but each participant in the RP needs to score their word count separately and take bonuses/prizes separately (do not score it or treat it as a single collaborative piece).
  • Each individual in the RP must meet the writing requirements in order to qualify for prizes (each person needs 500 words minimum or the minimum count the host requires per game).
  • We want you to be able to RP together in this storyline, but due to how the prizes are distributed we need to have each RPers' contribution scored separately and treated as its own quest entry (get its own bonus, its own raffle ticket, and its own prize).
  • You MUST include the name of the prompt in your submission title or description. This will help us make sure no one misses out on any prizes or raffle tickets.
  • If you do not own an Wixxon you can still participate by drawing/writing about another player's character(s). Please ask permission from the owner before using other Wixxon as the focus of your entries. This will still earn you the prizes and bonus points (so long as it is not commissioned work!) You may also use our Npc's. 
All event entries must be submitted to the forum topic for events here on Toyhouse.

What are the requirements and how are the entries for Story-Board events scored?

  • Intro Entry- Automatically rewards a Mystery egg.
  • Prompts (art/writing)- rewards one-five Flicker Coin per entry, you can enter twice, earning a total of ten Flicker Coins every prompt. 
  • Requirement: Full Body, Shaded, Scenic Background, 250+ Words. 

How do Flicker Coins work and how do I earn them? 

  • Flicker Coins are earned by completing prompts. [LINK] 
  • Each prompts grants you minimum of one single Flicker Coin once you have completed it! (but depending on complexity can range to five) 
  • The prompts all can be done twice, to earn a total of ten Flicker Coins per prompt. 
  • There is no limit to how often you can do the prompts, but only the first two completions will earn you Flicker Coins. 
  • You can do the prompts all twice in your first playthrough, or you can do a second playthrough to earn your second set of Flicker Coins or mix and match! 
  • Flicker Coins are earned by the player and tied to them, they cannot be swapped, gifted or traded. 

Can I combine multiple prompts into one image?

  • Prompts cannot be combined; you need to focus on one single prompt per image.
  • Batch submissions are allowed, but each image of the batch must still focus on a single prompt.

Donating your Wixxon to the North

This is a rehoming program. Please do not donate your Wixxon if you do not wish to lose it, there are no guarantees that you will win it back next year if you donate it!  Usually, the Wixxons that have chosen this program are trying to better themselves. These Wixxons will receive anywhere from a partial redesign (tweaks to colors, markings, and traits) to a full redesign (new lineart, different features and traits, etc). This is in effort to breath new inspiration into that Wixxon's life and let them discover their potential.  The Wixxons sent through this program will never be sold for IRL Monetary gain. They will be made available as prompt prizes for the next Wixxmas.  If you own a Wixxon who has already gone up North before, they are only allowed to be redonated!Please keep this in mind when entering to win a Wixxmas wixxon! 
Additionally, if you would like to reference a Wixxon's past form, retired versions of reformed Wixxon are available to view in the Wixxon Master List on DeviantArt! 
These are designs that no longer exist in the Wixxon world but are your Wixxon's past self which you are welcome to use in your character's biography.

How do I start out in Wixxon-CS?

 I recommend creating a 'Player Profile' and then submitting that into our 'Player profile folder'. [Links to be added]   Check out this link into how to create your 'Player profile' and why it's important!  After that; you can start the journey on getting one of your own Wixxon. 
Wixxon have become first accessible on my Patreon.

Myo's; what is it? What can one do with it?

-Stands for; Make your own-You would first have to make sure which tier level you purchased or earned in order to determine what rarity features you can design with. 

Can you purchase an MYO right now?

-That answer unfortunately is a no.

Will we ever be allowed to purchase MYO's?

- Purchasing an MYO will not be available for some time. If there is ever an update for this, there will be an announcement.

Pet Behavior, and Traits

  • Can my pets talk?

This is all up to you! Many people here give their pets intelligence on the same level as humans, allowing for complex emotions and an excellent use of language. Others make their pets talk only via body language, like regular animals, or they can only talk via telepathy.
  •  Can my pet have a human form?
Wixxon cannot be humans.No it cannot canonically. You may play with this concept noncanonically.
  • Can my Wixxon be anthropomorphic?
No it cannot canonically.You may play with this concept noncanonically.
  •  Special Abilities
Wixxon special abilities fall hand in hand with their featured traits to their flame type. (i.e.: For Feature traits; if the Wix has wings, it can fly. ) (i.e.: Flame type; does it have a strong enough flame source to make it fly?)
Diffusers: Have a very strong ability for illusions.Flame: N/AIncense: N/A
  •  Do pets die?
No, not unless you want them to. The only exception to this is during a war plot, where a pet can die during battle, but don't worry: every pet will be revived after the plot is over. Unless your story asks for your pet to die, Wixxon-CS will not have your pets die.

If you have any further questions go ahead and comment below so Wixxon-CS staff  can help get you the answer! 
Please be patient with us, and thank you so much for your support!Wixxon-CS Staff

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