

Onrariiks (pronounced on-rare-icks) are a portal-dwelling species that derive from an unknown source. Each one is said to have their own pocket dimension, and with the use of their portals, they are able to travel long distances and warp objects around them, including themselves.

They are an open species, meaning anyone can make one as long as they follow the requirements. Adopts can also be made and sold as long as they are approved (via adding the adopt's profile to the toyhouse world)


- No suggestive/nsfw content

- Don't purposely create offbrand versions of a species using the variation of onrariiks. I don't want these guys to be in cs drama lmao

- Be nice.

There isn't a discord server for these sillies, and I doubt I'll ever make one. These guys are for fun and are used for worldbuilding/design practice