HTML Snippets

Other HTML Snippets

These are bits and pieces of additional HTML that you can add to your world pages, folders, or profiles: wherever you think they will work. They are meant to be pieced together as you see fit, rather than be a single layout for a single purpose. Feel free to add them into the tabbed HTML layout that comes with this CSS if you prefer to switch out the sections or add to them. Everything here is styled specifically to work with the CSS Layout and will not display correctly if not used with the CSS.


These card links work well as links to character folders, or world guides, etc. Can be whatever you like. You can change the titles and background images of these cards to whatever you want. They will link to whatever custom link you input. The card is set to a default height of 150px, but you can change that with inline styling if you prefer. If you want to add more, you can copy the individual columns or the entire row -- just make sure they are properly nested if you copy and paste them.


Callout Header

Callout Subheader

This is basically a card, anything you want to draw attention to, or if you want to separate it from other information being displayed, using this may work well. You can also have bulleted lists:

  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

This works well for a list of Rules or other information you need to display concisely. If you want to remove the border, just remove the first div section that encloses the callout.

Callout Header

Callout Subheader

This is a dark version of the callout. You can use it as an alternate or your default.
  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • This is a list item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

This works well for a list of Rules or other information you need to display concisely. If you want to remove the border, just remove the first div section that encloses the callout.


This is a block quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec imperdiet nunc ac massa tempus, sed feugiat erat faucibus. Vivamus sed enim venenatis, suscipit elit sit amet, pulvinar ante. Suspendisse sodales rhoncus sem, vel lacinia elit. Sed at lacus molestie, laoreet leo a, luctus erat. Sed dictum dui sed elit suscipit hendrerit. Duis bibendum vitae risus sit amet condimentum. Sed porta pretium neque, a pretium dui facilisis ut.


Can be used as a header for a World Page or any other information you want it for. You can also add paragraphs of text under the title if you wish.


If you want to add a second row, simply copy the row onto a new line.


If you want the mood board to be smaller or larger you can adjust the maximum with in the inline style of the row. It's set to 750px as default, removing it will size the board to the page.