
NOTE: this page is currently under revision and information is subject to change.

Mechangels Information




  • TYPE Human/Humanoid
  • CREATED June 2022-May 2023
  • FOUNDER flowerstarpatch
  • STATUS Unlaunched


"Quote or organization motto here."

Mechangels, or ‘mechas’ for short, are mechanical angels who support humans, restore peace, and protect humans. There are guardian mechas for individuals, where their relationship pre-reincarination was very deep. These cases are very carefully handeled and have an entire department just for them. Mechangels are still relatively new and there is much that heaven has yet to learn about them. Testing the limits of the magic or the amount of cyber integrations has not happened, due to heaven’s hesitation to experiment, though underground research communities (not heaven sponsored) have done some work within this region. The bodily reactions cyber integration vary depending on person to person due to different past lives, which it makes it very hard to test or find a control group on. Thus, the training period after a mecha receives their cyber is very important. The training facilitators of cyber integration caters the training to be very individual.


Angels have lived for a long time ruling over and managing earth. They plan people's fates, accidents, protect human from natural disasters, and human's overalll destiny in order to have a stable environment on earth. They use their magical skills in order to do this. Every event in history (for the most part) has been influenced or touched by their magical powers. The higher up angels used to have an enormous fleet of angels. They were stable for the most part, except for those who wanted to rule humans in a different way using magic in what’s called an ‘unholy’ or unethical way. Due to a massive war in heaven over ruling disputes over this, many angels were killed, turned into demons, or evicted from heaven to become humans, which made managing earth impossible. There were not enough angels to do all of the necessary tasks to take care of humans and the next generation of angels was not ready yet. This caused the last remaining angels decided to create what's known as mechangels. The decision to create mechangels was highly disputed, due to the difficulty of the cyber integration. Mechangels are considered the revival and saviors of the angel powers and thanks to their support, heaven was able to stabilize.

Source & System processing

Mechas are processed through two different departments before they start work. They go through the introductory department, aka Department of Arrivals, to get scanned through the system to see where their past life took them, what fate they have, how they can help humans or heaven, and what they’d like to do most. After this processing, they get sent to the mecha armory, or the Department of Armoring. This is where they get all the necessary upgrades to fully become a mechangel and the place where they get training. To move departments after this depends on how long they take during magical and tech training, along with any other social or fate training they need on top of that.

The departments they can go afterwards are listed below. Other departments not listed have to be approved by upper angels. See housing for more information for department accomodations.


  1. Department of Guardians — guardian angels. people who protect those who meant a lot to them in their last life. can be for an individual (spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family member, friend, etc) or for a group of people (family for several generations)
  2. Department of Fighters — physical fighters who go down during war/fighting situations. also do search and rescue situations. affectionally called the “Brutes”
  3. Department of Magic — changing human’s fate, elemental magic, etc who are sent down for higher risk situations)
  4. Department of Mechanics — mechangel touch-ups, part shop, etc. sponsored by heaven and seraphims. called "AGM" [see part shop for more info]
  5. Department of Protection — sent down in case by case situations where divine help or miracles are needed, the equivalent of a case worker
  6. Department of Advisory — 1-on-1 human-mecha support. similar to guardian angels except they don’t stay by the individual’s side by the same length as them nor do these individuals have that deep emotional connection with them. affectionally called the “Clean-Up Crew” (they fix messes) along with “Therapists” (often solve emotional problems)
  7. Department of Communication — the way to send messages within heaven, to earth. they save messages from all time periods and ensure it is sent out at the right times to the right individuals.
  8. Department of Rehabilitation — where angels go if they don’t want to provide support on earth. they don’t have to do much, just live life and attend a job. they provide others with housing and other heaven material

Hierarchy of Heaven


Celestial/Divine Beings

The rulers of heaven because of the magical requirement it takes. These being’s population is split in half - one half to manage the angels and one half to manage earth. There are only a handful of these beings that lived through the war, since these beings were the first to fight amongst themselves. These beings are seen as ‘biblically correct’ angels and often perception of these beings is very difficult if not impossible for the average being.


Advisor Angels

Angels that were part of the last surviving angels who lived through the war. They gained more magic due to their efforts and are often sent throughout earth and heaven to monitor and view the situations throughout. They closely work with celestial beings and are given space and niche exploration events. Their appearance is often said to strike fear and/or awe into beings with low powers (humans, mechas, etc). The divine beings and advisor angels don’t talk to the mechas for the most part due to the busy schedules & due to the power level required to be around them for a while..



The advisor angel's children, the youngest of which grew up at the same time as the mechangels. They have various different types of jobs in order to maintain heaven and earth and are routinely traveling to both areas. The younger angels sometimes have cyber implants, but not to the same level as mechas. (seen more as just an extra garnish/boost)



Reincarnated humans who chose to become magical cyborgs in order to help support other humans. their magic level is enough to support their lifestyle and to protect/support humans, but not even comparable to angels or advisor angels.

Magical Powers

Magic is different in each person due to each person's different personalities and (in this case) previous life experience. This influences how strong the magic is, along with what other body parts can be fully utilized. Magic is given to an individual by upper angels downloading mechangel software onto a mecha. Within the mechangel software is the basic magical powers. The mecha will undergo training to amplify these powers and find their specialization(s). Mana USBs are the extra supplements, similar to caffeine. Plugging in a Mana USB/Chip gives mechas an extra boost of magical power but don’t affect the mocha’s actual magical abilities. They’re seen as a very useful commodity, especially within departments with individuals who don’t have quite enough magical power for another Terra Trip.

Occasionally, due to the mocha’s overwhelming power, they get a biological mutation (I.e. trait). The more powerful an angel is, the less human they look. The highest upper angels and divine beings only have very little human traits, being more ‘biblically correct’ than the lower ranks. These upper ranks keep life and earth running as smoothly as possible with the lower ranks do the nitty gritty and close up any patches that may arise.


Housing depends on which department they’re sorted to.

  1. Guardians & Advisory— full time on ‘Down Under’ [DU] or on earth.
  2. Fighters, Protection, & Communication — spend part of their time DU and part in heaven
  3. Rehabiliation & Magic — rarely (if ever) leave heaven
  4. Arrival & Armoring — do not leave heaven.

The entry and exist process of leaving heaven is called a ‘Terra Trip.’ They go to a teleportation building and log their forms in (forms done beforehand, scanned in via qr code or file transfer using their build in monitor) and stand on a transportation pad. The situation is similar to an elevator shaft and the ride feels similar. Once the doors shut, they go down ‘one floor’ and get magically transported to a drop pad somewhere on earth. There are civilian Terra Trips that are like vacations, ones like school trips, and some for work. Humans cannot ride the pads up to heaven, the magical process will never recognize them and will not budge. To use the pads one must have some element of magic within them. Humans blessed with divine power can use these to teleport around the world but never to heaven.

Misbehavior Unholy Instances

Even though they are angels, they do get in various ‘unholy’ situations. There is an entire underground mechangel black market for parts that heaven does not support, due to the higher risk of installation. If caught, they have to pay fines, do community service, or volunteer at the the DoP. The part is also considered for removal, though most of the time it isn’t removed due to the bonding nature of pieces and the mecha body.

Another ‘unholy’ situation that’s common is desertion. After gaining all of the upgrades and cyber and being sent down on earth for projects, sometimes one gives up the angel lifestyle. If they officially give it up, upper angels have to approve the situation and remove any mechangel software and angelic powers from the mecha. Their powers are limited after the uninstall, which makes this option not that common. For the most part, announcements of desertion is uncommon but upper angels don’t often search after rouge mechas unless they’re causing harm to fate (either their own or human’s).

The other instance of desertion is mid-process of training the cyber integration. This one is very uncommon and happens if they are not patient with the process or their trainers. This is where it is absolutely critical that upper angels find these individuals as fast as possible, by either divining power, or by other magical powers. Leaving mid-cyberization is life-threatening. It’s like walking out of the hospital after a major leg surgery and running a full marathon. They will stabilize these individuals by either removing the magic or by finishing the process.

Punishment includes, as stated before is paying fines, doing community service, or volunteer work at the the DoP or other departments. As situations need, upper angels will step in to use their Judgement Magic or their upper magic power to remove a mechangel’s angelic powers.

NCPs / Mascots


  • RARITY: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown (info/info)
  • OCCUPATION: Unknown
  • OWNER: Unknown
  • MECHANGEL #: 0000


  • RARITY: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown (info/info)
  • OCCUPATION: Unknown
  • OWNER: Unknown
  • MECHANGEL #: 0000


  • RARITY: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown (info/info)
  • OCCUPATION: Unknown
  • OWNER: Unknown
  • MECHANGEL #: 0000

Code by Aurorean