❋Warriors Roleplay❋

discord based

open to rp



Welcome to The Ruins! We are a Warrior Cats inspired RPG with some DnD inspired elements. Our world here has an overview of our information, including some details about our factions, their unique ranks, current high ranks, and staff! More detailed information can be found via the link to our website, including our full roster, clan lore, in depth guidelines, character creation, and some fun optional mechanics of our group including but not limited to random monthly events, group memes, and wraith investigations!

Here two clans coexist in the wilderness after driving out a third clan that had inhabited their lands. What they don't know, however, is that the remnants of that very clan they drove from their home exist in the lands beyond, taking residence in the city. What's more, they are gathering forces, eyes set on that home that they lost moons ago.

We are a discord based roleplay! Most of our information is hosted on our website, but this space as well as our server include an overview of information and some quick links for your convenience. If you ever have any questions or concerns, whether a current member or guest, staff is always happy to help!

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Mountainclan High Ranks


leader he/him

The courageous and stoic leader of Mountainclan, appointed as Cragstar's successor when the former deputy stepped down due to age. He was one of the leaders who lead the clans to war and drove out Swampclan and, in a surprising move to many, chose a former Swampclan member to be his deputy. Avalanchestar watches over the mountain with equal parts volition and loyalty.


deputy he/him

Many question the choice of deputy following the war, the russet tom being of the very clan that had poisoned their own and been driven out for Irisstar's crimes. However, since coming into his position, Foxjaw has shown resolute loyalty to his home in the mountains. He is extremely work driven, and often regarded as emotionally distant because of it, but its all for the benefit of Mountainclan.


oracle she/her

Hardworking and empathetic, she has served as Mountainclan's healer from the start of her apprenticeship. After losing her mother and brother in the war with Swampclan, she struggles to find common ground with the exiled clan's former members among their own ranks. Nightshade can be rather nervous and self-destructive, often prioritizing others even at her own detriment, but it's very clear that she loves her home and would do anything for the good of her clanmates.


oracle apprentice she/her

This enigmatic apprentice seemed to be born of the mountain's fog itself, stepping from the frost and into the clan. It was after losing her own mentor that she was taken under Nightshade's wing, to some protest due to her strange origins. She has a certain dedication and adaptability that allows her to excel even in her sudden role. Mysterious and new, it's not uncommon for others to have mixed feelings about their new oracle apprentice.

Forestclan High Ranks


leader he/him

The valliant and charismatic leader of Forestclan leads with his heart, as empathetic as he is diplomatic. After the sudden disappearance and presumed death of his predecessor, Sheepstar, he stepped into leadership. Turtlestar maintains a passionate sort of leadership, with his heart on his sleeve nobody has to guess what might be going through his mind. Despite his affinity for stubborness, he continues to guide Forestclan with his own unique style.


deputy she/her

While she may come off as cold or standoffish, the recently appointed deputy has a clear devotion for Forestclan and is widely regarded as a hardworking member of the clan. Juniperbreeze was noted as a valliant fighter in the war against Swampclan, driven by the poisoning and death of her sibling as an apprentice. She's noted to be blunt and short-fused, but her prowess and dedication has earned her the rank she holds.


oracle she/her

The healer of Forestclan is strong-willed, passionate, and notably sociable. On the flip side, she is also known to be quite naive and a bit of a pushover, but has served the clan faithfully since she stepped into the role shortly after beginning her apprenticeship. During the impact of poisoning and war against Swampclan, Silentwing was a kind and comforting presence to the injured and ill, and her amicable nature still proves to be a much appreciated trait by her patients.


oracle apprentice he/him npc

The ever helpful apprentice of Silentwing, he's the lively Oracle-to-be of Forestclan. Many will be quick to tell you of his mischief and the way he seems almost eager to get into trouble the moment his mentor turns his back, but it's also widely agreed that it only ever comes a place of childlike spirit and good fun.

The Pack High Ranks


alpha she/they

The young, new alpha of The Pack has recently ascended into leadership after Shard took leave to search further for more recruits. Her sudden step into leadership came as a huge to surprise to all, given her existence was kept a secret from everyone other than Roxanne. Although she had never known Swampclan life, Glass was most definitely filled in on all of the tales and preened into greatness for her planned leadership. She now navigates her new role, establishing herself as a worthy alpha and Shard's legacy.


beta she/her

Originally raised as a fiercely loyal member of Swampclan, Roxanne now serves as beta to The Pack among the city streets, defending and supporting Glass in their decisions. Pragmatic and decisive, there aren't many who question her capability to fulfil all of the duties a beta must. All the same, she is selfish and cold, and to this day carries with her a sense of vindictive rage towards the clans that drove her former clan out of their home.


seer she/her

The most seasoned of The Pack's ranks, Fallow was once a member of Swampclan. She experienced many of the clan's struggles, including the early sickness that swept through their ranks that had inspired her to pursue the art of healing. It was not lost on her that Swampclan's smaller territory and lack of resources only added to their suffering, while the other clans wanted for nothing. Although blunt and neurotic, Fallow has followed her former clan in a display of loyalty and serves as their innovative and dependable healer.


gamma he/him

Though a former rogue, Lesovik now serves The Pack as a gamma - one of the alpha's protectors and most trusted, even if his dedication was swayed by the motive of securing a better place for himself and his brother. Though he may be stoic and even rather morbid, he is practical and protective of those he's close to. It was this same sense of responsibility and drive that brought upon his ascent in The Pack, established as a known and respected presence.


gamma he/him

Most known for his reliability and upbeat mood, this former loner had to learn from an early age how to survive on his own. His learned sense of cunning eventually gained him a respectable reputation, and it was curiosity that drove him into The Pack. Although deceitful and insincere, his clever and innovative style established him as a unique strength, and perhaps aided in earning him his place as gamma, trusted defender of their alpha.



Living in the chilled peaks of the mountain are these cats, notoriously hardy due to their homeland and thus have a habit of not taking anything for granted. They're often regarded to be as cold and stoic as the lands they live in and, while some may actively try to live up to this repuation, others take care to radiate warmth instead. Mountainclan are generally the least accepting of outsiders, but exceptions do exist among their ranks. They are very earnest in their beliefs and customs, and believe that every living thing has a soul. Although life is harsh and death is common in the mountains, the clan has a strong bond and losing one of their own is the greatest pain. Their important landmarks include Crag's Peak, Mourning Ridge, and the Stone Garden.


Within the trees we find this clan, known for their more spiritual ways and often described as having their heads in the clouds, some going as far to say they're too soft. Forestclan is the least violent of those in these lands, and are known for being more accepting of outsiders into their ranks. While they do not believe in souls as their counterpart clan does, they do believe in spirits who host energy and often celebrate them. In addition, this clan has adapted to become omnivorous, so it's not uncommon for them to forage for things such as berries. Upon death, rather than a funeral Forestclan choses to host a celebration of life for the lost. Their important landmarks include Morning's Meadow, the Tree of Life, and the Frozen Creek.

The Pack

Composed largely of former Swampclan exiles and recruited outsiders, The Pack is the remnant of those that were chased out of clan territory moons ago. The twin clans are currently unaware of their existence and they make their home in the gray streets of The City. Their hierarchy vastly differs from the clans and anyone seeking to join their ranks must first pass two harsh trials of initation. Even Pack born members are not free from this, as they must also pass a test of initiation should they wish to be accepted as an adult member. Always remember, the Alpha's word is law. Their important landmarks include the Highreach, Stained Sanction, Red Field, and the Carrion Place.


These cats are composed of loners, rogues, kittypets, and bands not affiliated with The Pack. Bands can range from peaceful wanderers to fierce aggressors, so take care when approaching them! Some former Swampclan cats who did not join either of the two clans nor The Pack can also be found among these cats. Outsider lands can range from the city to unclaimed lands within the wilderness. These cats may interact with The Pack or the clan cats, but must act with caution as not all members of those groups will be accepting of them! Some of these cats may seek to join one of the three factions, while others are content to maintain their established lifestyle.

The Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu. Proin massa orci, aliquet in condimentum sodales, imperdiet venenatis nibh.

Aenean ut turpis porttitor, suscipit eros eu, euismod nunc. Duis non ex ut quam condimentum viverra. Ut laoreet lorem ut mattis semper. Aliquam viverra laoreet dui in congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam vulputate, elit vitae malesuada egestas, elit mauris facilisis nulla, quis condimentum tellus nisl eget eros. Nunc pretium justo vitae mattis vestibulum. Nunc eros velit, gravida in urna a, imperdiet faucibus velit.

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum sagittis.

Sed neque lacus, semper ut augue eget, bibendum hendrerit purus. Sed pharetra aliquam ligula. Curabitur ac elementum eros. Morbi pharetra venenatis justo dictum finibus. Aliquam id neque orci. Donec placerat dui sit amet magna laoreet maximus. Proin pellentesque orci eros, ut sollicitudin tortor aliquam in.

Vivamus ac nisi id tortor hendrerit faucibus id in dolor. Suspendisse lectus sem, tristique eget blandit a, molestie non mi. Maecenas vestibulum, ante id pellentesque dignissim, urna lacus cursus risus, in sollicitudin nibh quam id mauris. Cras aliquet congue ligula non tristique. Donec et euismod nibh. Nunc condimentum dictum diam, tempor consequat dolor congue eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed eu ipsum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ullamcorper vestibulum justo quis dignissim. Nullam nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sed lectus urna. Nunc in volutpat libero, fringilla hendrerit velit. Sed vel purus eget mi mollis rhoncus. Nullam non nulla nec nisi finibus consectetur at vitae turpis.


A large group, who will soon become the clans Mountainclan, Forestclan, and Swampclan, arrive to the lands. The wilds are expansive and plentiful, soon enough the large group separates into three specialized sub groups, each of them settling into the individual clans. Over time, these three groups began to adapt to their new homes, becoming more at ease and adept in their unique ways of survival, developing their own traits and customs.

June 2005

June 2020

Tensions have begun to rise within the territories after the turbulent leadership of Bogstar and successor Irisstar of Swampclan. Her clan was growing, and the stress came to a boiling point when she demanded more land to sustain themselves. Morningstar of Forestclan was quick to refuse, his denial clear in its spite, and Cragstar of Mountainclan hesitantly sided with him. Fights began to break out between the clans, though none of them would lead to death or severe consequences. At least, not yet.
Irisstar, faced with her starving clan, decided that if the territory they needed would not be given then she would take it by force. The Swampclan leader got ahold of poison from the city, Forestclan and Mountainclan would both suffer from its impact, but the cats of the mountain would receive the worst of it. In the beginning, Swampclan remained unaware of what Irisstar was doing behind the scenes, but things would come to a head when Cragstar lost the remainder of his lives due the poison. His successor, Avalanchestar, and Morningstar waged war on the third clan. Swampclan was driven from their home, Irisstar killed in the process, and an uneasy peace settled in the dust. What the remaining two clans didn't know was that Irisstar's child had started to gather forces within the city...

Feb. 2021

RP Start

In-game history can be found in detail on our website. Events from the start of roleplay, February 2022, up until current time can be found here for each of the factions. In addition, brief updates will be provided within the discord timeline.

content warnings

Contains blood & violence in written depictions. Severe instances should be hidden via spoilers in roleplay, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Different types of trauma may be in written depictions, notably in character bios. These instances should be appropriately labeled with trigger warnings. Not all sensitive content is accepted, even if a trigger warning is provided. If unsure, refer to staff for review.
Explicit / NSFW content is NOT accepted within the group, whether that be in character bios, art, or roleplay.

Due to dark themes, The Ruins is a 16+ group. While dark topics may be experienced in roleplay, certain adult topics and themes are not accepted in roleplay or out of character chatting.

RP Guide

This is merely a simple overview of the rules and guidelines for The Ruins. To view all of the information regarding these, please be sure to visit the website and read through the pages under the "Essentials" tab, which can also be found via the link below! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to open a ticket in our discord server or reach out to staff!


  • ❋ 16+ due to language, dark themes, and violence
  • ❋ Be respectful! Bullying and disrespect towards others will not be tolerated
  • ❋ The group runs on a 1:1 time ratio, meaning in game time passes at the same rate as real life time
  • ❋ Please refer to our character creation/bio layout on the site. While you do not have to use that exact formating, all of the info found on the template must be included on your character application
  • ❋ As always, feel free to reach out to staff with any concerns! We're here to help and have fun!

Our group does have features including a stats system, skills, optional leveling to gain further skills, and some dnd elements! For ease and accessibility to members who may be unfamiliar with such mechanics, we have kept these systems fairly simple. However, questions are still expected and very much welcome! We also include monthly random prompts and group memes for your characters as optional participation that can be completed via art, roleplay, or individual literature!

Rules & Guidelines

the crew


26 she/her character hoarder founder

The Ruins transpired from one of Hayley's random 3am musings and gained traction from there. Hayley has a lot of characters, though her high rank is the young Alpha of the Pack- Glass. Her DMs are always open- whether it be for plotting or just simple chatting.


25 they/she/he plant witch cofounder

Luna is the group's newest cofounder, and creator of the world hub! They play various characters spread out across the group factions, including their high rank character Moonpaw. They currently work in a hospital and study for entrance into a university healthcare program, but are still around often and always looking to interact with members! Luna's DMs are always open for questions, plotting, or just chatting!


19 she/her traveling wizard artist moderator

Herbal is a moderator of TR, and has been roleplaying Warriors for over 10+ years! She owns a few characters, but her high rank is Juniperbreeze, the deputy of Forestclan. Please ask to DM!


18 he/him/vae/vaer local menace moderator

Ruin is a mod for TR and has been in the warrior community since he was a kid. Despite having a tendency to lurk due to a hectic irl, Ruin loves to spend vaer time writing and drawing. With more characters soon to come his more prominent is high rank Daisy of The Pack. Vaer's dms are always open for plotting/chatting!


20 she/they king procrastinator moderator

Vivas is a moderator of TR, and has been within the warrior fandom for over 10 years. She has massive love for the server and wants to make sure everyone feels included. DMs are always open for questions/concerns, or even plotting!


adult she/her rat mom moderator

Tiitea is a mod for TR and generally just lurks around due to being busy with work; most of the time she responds as quickly as she can if shes not too tired- she has multiple characters in different areas so is able to RP anytime; anywhere. Her dm's are always open for a RP/Plotting or just chatting!