More demon races

Demons refer to anything placed in Hell that was made from a soul who sinned in its human life. If a demon has sinned badly enough or was widely infamous, they get their own special unique physical looks depending on what it was they did. Demons are born without their memories, and gain them back slowly whenever they feel pain.

Hybrid: (plural is hybrids) 50/50 mixes of a Cubus and a Recontas, they are considered the lovechildren of the two, considering demons cannot reproduce; They are born from souls with a fluctuating and/or fluid sexuality; not necessarily those who are confused with themselves, but more so those who straight-up can't get a grip on what or how they're attracted to others, and can't control it whatsoever. They are not put into any job or tribes due to their cultural insignificance in the very important hedonism of Hell's culture, but there are still some small groups of them hoping to become bigger as time goes on and more hybrids are created in the world.

Morph: (plural is Morph demons, or Morphs) Individually referred to as "Recontas-Morph" demons or "Cubus-Morph" demons if they decide to put their brain in a new body, since natural Morph demon bodies are usually completely jacked up, accompanying these types are Morph demons with even more varying types still possible. (One may call themself a Cubus-Morph even if they stuck with their first body upon entering Hell, but still feel as though they WOULD be a Cubus had they never been an angel beforehand, others ignore these labels and simply call themself a Morph. Nothing special) Morph demons are beings who were angels beforehand but were rejected and placed into a horrific body and sent to Hell, reasons being they had sinned while in their angel state AND in Heaven; most sinful angels can get away with their behavior if it takes place in Hell. Mostly because God isn't aware of what they're doing. The underworld has admired Morph demons for as long as time, or, until they started being created and flooded out the unworthy sinners in Heaven in a quick rush. Many enjoy their looks because it manages to be even more otherworldy than other regular demons, and uniqueness is a big aspect in the underworlds culture.

Manafolk: (plural is Manafolk) This illusive race is created from souls who died with complete antisocial/psychopathic behavior, anyone with a lot of hatred for others in their hearts. Their reason for 100% lack of empathy and chaotic evil attitudes towards everything and everyone, is all derived from their pre-death frustrations and anger, along with the fact they can't remember their past life anyhow. Meaning that all anger harbored before dying gets shoved in their confused faces again once they come back as a demon with no memories, and all they know is the need to let out that anger, but they often can't; or simply get attached to their sadism. The only race they can USUALLY get along with is other Manafolk, as they understand each other, many even believe they were never once a human and they're simply pure children of Hell, so their delusions get lost in friendships with any other race. Manafolk are known to have a complete disregard for everyone else and will manipulate all that can fall into their hands, many of them can view the memories of victims and will have prior knowledge of someone's trauma and try to toy with their feelings on the subject even more, almost always making the two end up recreating a conversation or scene that was very traumatic to their victim. The victim may not realizing what's going on, and whether or not the Manafolk is really meaning to cause such harm to them. But in the Manafolk's mind, they know exactly what they're doing, and they get a kick out of it.

Their colors are wildly placed with bright saturation but still always try its best to resemble the kind of demon species they're pretending to be. Lots of them are known better as "Recontas-Manafolk," or "Cubus-Manafolk." There isn't much limit when it comes to their base designs, they are simply slightly altered versions of the non-Manafolk race they fit into, alongside extremely bright colors.  They are shapeshifters, but altering their looks for long periods of times can be extremely exhausting, so they often stick with their original standout looks and try to mask it with clothes or makeup. Although, fortunately for them, not everyone knows a Manafolk when they see them.

Manafolk are the only race who have natural magic abilities as well. As mentioned before, they harbor telepathy and often times telekinesis as well; it all depends on the individual and how powerful their abilities are, but all of them have telepathy as a base. Mehangeine takes a strong liking to the chaotic nature of Manafolk, often calling them her children, and tasks them with demons to torture; just to ensure Hell isn't getting too comfy for them.

Pseudo-Manafolk: (plural is Pseudo-Manafolk) A slightly more or less privileged version of Manafolk, wayward souls who died unsatisfied and spiteful enough in their life will turn to poltergeists and seek whatever revenge it is they feel the need to get; In the result of actually gaining revenge, their soul becomes "at rest" and they are reborn as a Pseudo-Manafolk. Their revenge, or whatever they needed to get done before becoming a demon, may have happened prior to dying as well; meaning they may never become a poltergeist. So long as they felt overall satisfied in life and got justice for themselves. They also forget their past lives, but like a normal demon would, they can regain memories through pain;; Manafolk are simply left in the dark for their surface lives forever, unless they trust someone enough to tell them their own life story.