Planet Althra is the home world to the Klimatjie race. 

Sparthia is the main kingdom for the Klimatjies. It was founded and headed by their Queen Flo until she was killed by her sister Queen Billy; whom established slavery and cause many of the clans to war; forcing many wild Klimatjie breed to make the can from a tribal life to a more modern lifestyle. This was hard the the Klimatjies and many breeds had trouble making the adjustment. Her rule ended when she was forced to flee and Frida and Jasper established leadership over Sparthia. They abolished slavery and quelled the wars, bringing unity to the warring clans. Frida sadly died and the kingdom established an Elder Council to rule instead of a monarch after the rule of King Jasper. 

Klimatjies a a race of shape-shithers, inface their name means Shape Shifters. Every Klimatjie has a human form and a beast form and they are omnivores though they favor meat. Klimatjies have tripple fangs that help them tear into flesh and hold onto prey. They are known for tattooing themselves for retials and to mark which tribe they are from. Beacuse they are shape-shifters each Klimatjie also have an in-between form called a Kia'rah which gives them traits of their beast form mixed with their human form such as animal feet, tails, fur or scales. Klimatjies are hermphobites, however pure males and female occur, they are rare making about 30% of the population. Klimatjie mate for life and will form bond with an induvidual, however some polyamory relationships occur on a lesser scale. Klimatjies can be clingy to those they bond with and they form strong relationships with family and friends, due to their nature to form clans. 

About 40% of the population is made of of mutants of dyre, unstable minded individuals who have mutated beast forms. These individuals are destructive and insane, many are house in facilities for re-habitation and motioration purposes. Klimatjies have a greater understanding of the mind and how it works although they lack modern technology. Klimatjies are capable of magic and many can manifest and manipulate an element such as fire or water. 

Klimatjie Breeds


The breed Jasper is. Wild by nature, Keiths lived in tribes made of a few families headed by their Chief Elder. Many keiths find modern life difficult and as a result many are Dires(unstable or insane) However many cope thanks to those they bond with. 


Feathered klimatjies 


Refered to as the shadow breed, Kreads are naturally protective by nature, thus many of them make of the guard. Their hair is usually black based but with a hint of color when the sun light hits their hair. This gives them an outlight of color such as red or blue on their black hair. 


The most colorful breed, Stratas are highly social and enjoy being the center of attention. Called rainbow heads, Stratas hair is one of the softed and diverstly colored with pastels. Flamboyant, talkive, social and out going, you can be sure they are the life of the party. 


The Marsh breed and one of the most relaxed and nuturing breed. Xilos are unique in that they live in commutties with no leaders. The eldest of their clans generally make all the major descisions. Xilos hair grows long on one side and shorter on the other. Chill and laid back by nature, Xilos make up most of the care givers, jobs like nurturing and fostering young to dyres or caring for the unstable ones. 


The tropical breed and only breed known for naturally having insect elements in their beast forms. They are elusive and secretive, they are found on tropical islands. They were the only breed not apart of Sparthia during Billy's rule due to their isolated location. This helped them stay out of the wars. Now offical members of Sparthia but tend to keep to themselves. Not as feral as other breed, Tias formed a complex society and studied magical world. 


The snowy breed that make their homes far up north. Most live in the island of Skaal and their beast forms can be dinosaur based. Far less social compared to other breeds, Knutties are clanish, keeping to themlseves and prefer to be left alone. They do form strong bonds within their clan and are fiercely loyal. The most hardy of the breeds and dislike warm weather. 


Hidi are the desert breed. Living in the warmest climate. 

Whatever Cyro is

The tallest breed, ranging from 7 to 8 feet tall. The swamp breed are one of the most laid back and calm breed. Get along well with Xilos. 


The breed that Tibbit is. Tydos don't live on Althra. Grows long curly/fluffy hair, nocturnal, poor eye-sight in the day, excellent eye-sight at night. Very docile compared to other klimatjie breeds. Not very talkative, they tend to communicate with noises and body gestures. 


Skaal - and island located to the north


Frost Fall - the main settlement on Skaal Island

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