

Lazarus Philosophy is a non-traditionally formatted comic about unusual band of treasure hunters trying to lift cursed placed on them by eldrich gods.

TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE GROUP: Please go to the Forum section and comment under the top post in Q&A! You MUST be 18+ to join!


The format will be akin to Homestuck in that it will largely consist if images or gifs accompanied by text. This text will either be in a traditional paragraph format or, ocassionally, in a text message format. Occasionally there will also be traditional comic pages and animatics. If the formatting becomes consistent later on the older pages will be archived and redone!

What to expect

  • Horror dramedy antics!
  • Diverse cast with a lot of queer characters!
  • Monsters! Gore! Mad Science!
  • Ever changing and growing community!
  • Fanservice! Now with mostly masc characters!
  • And more!
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no

"I would kill for a chance to do it all over again. Or at the very least, the chance to die."






Present Day


LAZARUS MITA A middle-aged treasure hunter who was cursed by an eldrich god and tasked with collected lost relics. He is suspected to be immortal.

TRICK YUAN Lazarus' work partner. They are a young seer with a bubbly personality still learning to hone their skills.

CABELL MITA Lazarus' older brother. He is a technomancer who was turned into a cyborg under Project Jupiter.

DOC Another cursed human who was turned into a pheonix and monitored under Project Sol. Lazarus' best friend and the wild card of the team.

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