Edict I: Succession

"As the first dictates, I am only the heir to half His holy legacy."

Edict I is the first Edict of Sul, and the first of the Sular Edicts as a whole. It deals with the immediate succession from Sul I, creating the offices of Emperor and First Mage to split his responsibilities between. In doing so, this Edict gave birth to something greater: the Sular Empire.

If the first seven Edicts were really created by Sul, the division of these offices seem to indicate he believed political responsibilities could corrupt a religious figure. This belief would have been exceedingly rare in his time, and not a principle respected by later generations of his followers.

Although the Edict establishes who should succeed Sul I, it does not create a reliable mechanism for succession, an omission which would prove consequential. As the Edict deals with political mechanisms, it is one of the only ones not enforced by the Inquisition.

Edict Text

The powers of Sul I, the full weight of which would be unbearable on any unprepared person, shall not be passed to any one successor.

His powers shall be disseminated in twain; His authority over the army, its treasury, and its laws shall pass to His brother, who shall be bestowed the title of Emperor.

His responsibilities and roles over sacred rituals, holy knowledge, and education shall pass to His sister, who is henceforth granted the title of First Mage.

The First Mage shall be a vassal of the Emperor, but retain independent control over Sul’s institution of Runes, including its sacred campus in Runia. The Emperor shall have no authority to remove the First Mage except when petitioned by the collective magistrates of Runia.

Once appointed this title, the First Mage shall be forbidden from ever holding the title of Emperor.

(Sul I)