welcome to beanpawbs cafe.. sit down, order a drink and take a walk at noon through the rainy streets.

at the cafe, you can order from the menu using our currency, stars! we make personalized drinks [custom beanpawbs], donuts and cupcakes [beanpawbs adopts] and coffee grinds / teabags [myos]!

you can earn stars by participating in events, doing commissions, and making gift art for staff members! stars can be used to upgrade or buy accessories, items and makeovers for your beanpawb.

all the items, accessories and myos you buy and the currency you earn will be logged in a masterlist! when you trade any of your stuff, a moderator will transfer your items to the other user [and vice versa].

would you like to join us? just request membership and you'll be accepted and added to the masterlist!

if you have any questions, see the encyclopedia! it has all the information for starters including - how to get currency, designing your beanpawb [traits and other stuff] where to find the shops / how to purchase or trade items and characters!

Latest Bulletin

[ beanpawb / cafecon updates! ]

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by rainbowedd


hello everyone!! 

as you probably know, the founder (nikita / -vxmpirebae-) is currently not active in the beanpawb cafe.

the previous manager was removed for personal reasons, and i'm going to be helping to reboot the species.

i have several ideas / plans for the future! (that are still going to be run by nikolai!)

for right now, i'm going to be focusing on cafecon. 

if you don't remember what cafecon is, I'll give you a recap. 

cafecon is going to be similar to a con but all online..

art events, free myos + items, raffles and more will take place! in addition, we're gonna be having ARTIST BOOTHS, where you can purchase items from sellers!!


for anyone who had a booth, let me know if you're still interested in running your booth.  please let me know either way!

if you didn't have a booth, (or aren't sure!) and you would like to, please fill out this form.

username | name | pronouns | your shop's theme | what you would likely be selling (accessories, shop decor, etc..)


thank you for reading! :)

Latest Comments

hey vxmpirebae rainbowedd, it seems that the species sheet is a lil broken - would it be possible for you guys to fix it? tysm! 

[ myo sheet + traits ]

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ask rainbowedd!

This user is not visible to guests.
This user's account has been closed.

your logo will no longer be in use, we'll find a different user to make one.

I cant find the currency redemption area for some reason lol, So I was wondering where it is or do I just comment here when I make art for the star moneys? :)