Corruption has it’s ways of tainting even the holiest of beings. Priests have sinned, angels have fallen, even god’s have succumbed to evil intent. Who are we to turn to when we’re in need of guidance? Who can we trust when order must be restored?

Many years ago, Calmus -- the god of destiny -- was sealed away at the heart of a labyrinth. Calmus was a kind god, caring for his children but never meddling in their lives too much lest he risk punishment. It was a shock to the Keepers when they discovered corruption brewing in his heart. They watched with a careful eye for a while; after all, Calmus was a god, one of the highest ranking gods at that. Surely, he could handle it, banish it on his own.

His meddling in the lives of mortals had always been frowned upon by the other gods, but with the corruption growing his meddling had become much more apparent, and much less innocent. In an attempt to keep order, the god of oracles, Vodite, ordered his servants to lock his child away until a solution for his corrupted heart could be found.

Now, thousands of years later, the story of Calmus has been forgotten by most, turned into nothing more than a silly tale you’d tell children to make them behave. Unbeknownst to most, Calmus was beginning to stir from his slumber, and time was running out. Luckily, the oracles have finally found the perfect solution to their problem, and with just a little bit of careful intervention, purification would be possible.

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