
You have to be 18+This is a Discord server, and the species is 18+. You need to be an adult to join the server or the world. Do not invite minors to the space. If someone is found to break these rules, they will be removed from the species, and any character they own will be voided from the species. If you are a minor and one is gifted to you, the gift giver will receive this penalty.

MechPet Rules:MechPets are a Clsoed Speacies, Meaning you may not claim a character is a MechPet, when they in fact, are not. Masterlist is online currently here(For now): 

Creating a CharacterAn existing character can be turned into a MecPet character, but it needs to follow the guidelines and rules of a MechPet character. A character design can have a MechPet version made of it, but the MechPet version of the character cannot be separated from the original design.

Voiding a CharacterAny character can be removed AKA voided from the species. Voided characters cannot be reinstated. If a MechPet is gifted or sold to a minor, it will be automatically Voided. In a case of a purchased character being voided from the species due to a rule break, the owner or the funder of the purchased Mechpet or goods related to a MechPet are not entitled to a refund.

Selling/Purchasing a MechPetMechPets purchased whit in game currency have a monetary value of 0$. MechPets purchased whit real Currency can publicly state their value. MechPets should not be viewed as an investment, but you are free to resell your MechPet at a value you deem appropriate. DO NOT ASK a mechpet owner to trade or sell their characters in the server or in a form of direct messaging or comments on Toyhouse, Unless they have stated that they are at the current time looking for Character trades or buyers for that specific character!  If you are looking to trade or sell a Mechpet,There's an apropriate channel on Discord for that

Adult content for a character  Tag and sensor all MechPet related NSFW content responsibly.