-Respect the T.O.S of the designers
-When selling/reselling/trading, make sure to not go over the actual value of the character
-Gift art does NOT add value to the character
-MYOs do not hold any monetary value! Do not sell them.
-Charms do not hold any monetary value either, do not sell them for da points, money, and other things like that

-Be sure to follow all the guides when making your own Slymm pup
-Any special event MYOs come with their own trait, check the tabs for more
-Slymm pups can be inspired by actual chatacters or flags, but heavy inspiration is not allowed
-Make sure that your Slymm pup doesn't look identical to a chatacter or other Slymm pup as those will not be approved

-Slymm pups can be made with MYOs, MYO offerings open evry two months!
-Slymm pups are open traited, but do come with some mutations!!

-Please respect all members and staff members! Bullying, homophobia, racism, etc will not be tolerated.
-No NSFW of any kind! This includes heavy gore.
-Be mindful of common triggers or add a TW if you believe a message could be potentially harmful to others
-Stealing art, tracing, heavily referencing and copying artwork isn't allowed, please be respectful of others' work
-Do not talk about sensitive or controversial topics. (Religion, politics, LGBTQ+, etc...)
-Listen to staff members. If they tell you that whatever you're doing is wrong, stop.
-Not everything is in the rules. Anything that is clearly intolerable won't be allowed, so don't try finding loopholes.
-This is an English speaking server. We cannot translate everything you're saying, so please resist from speaking other languages. You are still welcomed to speak other languages, just keep this in mind.
-Be friendly with everyone.
-Don't do a moderator's job (mini-modding)