48548182_FAnKXYuE9PnnEV7.png?1651230972Mipyatas are magical companions who specialise in providing comfort for their owners. They store a special item of the owner’s choice inside their tummy, which can be released at any time by cracking themselves open with a puff of confetti and glitter (or whatever else they have inside them - your choice). Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt them - they have regenerative abilities so they can be battered over and over again! Though it might make a mess...
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47550870_dwj5i552lx9MaPh.png?1649103108Mipyatas are usually small in size with little dotted eyes, paper-like fur and small silly legs. They can have any features you want - multiple legs, eyes or heads, wings, tail, horns...anything you can think of!

They can be any shape you want - the weirder the better. If you're still stuck, refer to the very simple guide below (still a work in progress!)



47583941_WoncM401ebWm4dL.pngMipyatas can be made from any material you can think of, however they come with their own rarities.

â–¶ Natural (Common)
â–¶ Food/Liquid (Uncommon)
â–¶ Inanimate (Rare)
â–¶ Supernatural/Otherworldly (Very Rare)

Natural materials are generally anything that is considered biodegradable or created naturally - paper, cardboard, botanical and animal fur all fall into this category. 

Food and Liquid materials include anything that is normally consumable. While you could argue that certain foods would fit into the Natural category, it's listed as such due to the fact that Mipiyatas were never supposed to be eaten...so it's a peculiar mutation.

Inanimate refers to materials that are manmade, nonbiodegradable or realistically lifeless. Examples of this include rubber, plastic, plush, paint, etc.

Supernatural/Otherworldly are the rarest form of Mipyata because they are created with materials thought to be 'impossible' in the real world. This includes ghost matter, space matter, zombie, alien...all that cool bizarre stuff!

There are so many possibilities! GO NUTS!!

48606963_4mK5FDheO8O1e82.pngIn order to keep the species a nice and friendly space, rules have to be enforced. Please read them carefully! Anyone caught not respecting the rules will be publicly blacklisted from the species.

X NSFW is not allowed. Mipyatas are intended to be a comfort species for all ages.
X No inappropriate, insensitive or offensive designs.
 I must be credited for the species somewhere on the character profile or folder.