What happens when dolls (and other childhood toys) are left behind? Do they disappear to be completely forgotten? Perhaps they have a soul and it finds itself in a new place. A magical land where all lost toys have been given new life and a chance to live together in happiness and harmony with no fear of being left behind ever again. Where exactly this dolly dreamland exists is anyone's guess, it could very well truly be only in the land of Dreams, never to be found by those in the waking world. Or perhaps it's just that well tucked away and someday someone will find it. Time will tell.

Welcome to Dolly Dreamland, home to the spirits of dolls and toys who have been left behind. Modern fantasy setting. 

This is a public world building setting created by Prismakry that anyone who is interested is totally welcome to join and add their chars to if you are needing a setting of some sort for your character to call home. I'll try and add more info about the setting specifically as I go along but feel free to suggest or ask any questions in the comments anytime!