hi there, fart!

this is where I keep my dave and bambi ocs in groups sometimes for lore related purposes or not! Might write about em here n add extra facts too!! I thought this would be cooler than having folders in my account...

idk why you would but if for some reason want to join the world and you have an oc that are with my dnbers or want to make a group together, we totally can!!! just talk to me about it <3

look around if you want...

**note to self... inky if you haev more than 3-4 dnbers taht u see together or some sort or have smth in common you should. totally make a folder for it.. you fart head.

Latest Bulletin

wow guys real funny

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Furt InkyBlossom

now tell me which one of you motherfarterz put uranium 235 in my ginger ale

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yo one question could I submit one of my Dave and Bambi ocs here?

ehh this group isn't active anymore i don't see a point 

idk where'd id even put them so idk lol i don't think I'll be taking any new submissions 

1 Replies

