MYO Ticket Guide

MYO Ticket Guide

Common Tickets are FREE to make but must be asked & approved for beforehand. Chronic Add-Ons are $1 each, and Titan Arum Add-Ons are $2 each.

Each ticket below will display how many Chronic and Titan Arum add-ons you can have.


Price: Free
1 Common Trait OR 1-3 Uncommon Traits
Rest of the Traits:
Common Traits
Add Ons:
Up to 1 Chronic Add-ons
NO Titan Arum Add-ons


Price: $5
2 Uncommon Traits OR 1-2 Rare Traits
Rest of the Traits:
Mix of Common & Uncommon Traits
Add Ons:
Up to 2 Chronic Add-ons
Up to 2 Titan Arum Add-ons


Price: $9
2 Rare Traits OR 1 Chronic Trait (included free)
Rest of the Traits:
Mix of Common, Uncommon, and Rare Traits
Add Ons:
Up to 4 Chronic Add-ons
Up to 4 Titan Arum Add-ons


Price: $15
2 Chronic Traits OR 1-3 Titan Arum Traits (included free)
Rest of the Traits:
Mix of Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Chronic Traits
Add Ons:
Up to 8 Titan Arum Add-ons

Titan Arum

Price: $20
4 Titan Arum Traits
Rest of the Traits:
Unlimited Titan Arum Traits
Mix of Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Chronic Traits


Price: $25
Hybrids are REQUIRED to have:
At least 1 Head Flower
Clockhand Eyes
Feathered Wings AND/OR a Bird Tail
Hybrids come with:
Mix of Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Chronic Traits
Up to 8 Titan Arum Traits