

probably a good idea to cover broad strokes here and then use pages/folders on the side for individual country guides

climates (example/draft):

- Eccosia: everything

- Acadia: desert; big lake in central east--lake likely feeds into the void/is shrinking as void grows (alternatively, lake feeds from the void--reverse waterfall!!)

- Fredaun: mountains; rocky; barren soil; lots of minerals!!

---> Killer mountains separate Eccosia & Acadia from Fredaun

- Welsh: frozen (tundra).

---> white grapes = only export

- Chaghrin: savannah

- Sinip (misspelled as Sirip on the guide ojgorjgegwe): woodland

- Mortus: marshes; gold; rainforest; monsoons/hurricanes

- Occolo, Blancai, & Weijint: tropical (?) islands


- Eccosia: criminal science empire; infighting (western & eastern empires); magical mafia nobility (typically families--Blaze & Malice are exceptions); corrupt monarchy; PMD-esque vigilante & rescue teams; magic = science (aka it's a skill limited to the privileged few who can study & practice it, much like real-life STEM)

- Acadia: orderly monarchy that semi-unintentionally outsources all its crime to Eccosia while also trying to reform it.

- Fredaun: uhh sci-fi/futuristic/technologically advanced island tribes. often mistaken for and referred to as a single unified country.

- Welsh: frozen wilderness with a tiny kingdom and tons of covens. mmm frozen grapes.

- Chaghrin & Mortus: you ended up on the wrong side of wonderland and now everyone's magic is inherited :<

- Sinip: woodland full of magical wonders like fairies and uhh [insert humanoid species here]

- le islands: they're islands. likely full of creatures no one's seen before--at least not to this extent..

- Death's Dimension: floating koi floating koi

Also include different dimensions:

- Death's Dimension

- The Lotus (mention its space warping properties)

- Frozen universes