Character Name


Official Name Geckony

Stages egg - larva - adult

Species of lizards Limited

Intelligence Average

Race domestic lizard + pony

xxx xxx

xxx2 xxx2

HTML Pinky


Mix between a lizard for its tail and front legs, with a pony for its torso and back legs, the head is a mix of both. They can vary the gecko part by domestic lizards. Only considered for this species: bearded dragon, blue-tongued skink, green anole, iguanas, chameleons, overo lizards or Argentine black and white tegu, Savannah monitor lizards and Pogonas.

They can live in any type of climate, but they always need between 2 and 6 hours of sun on their backs to be energized, if this does not happen their fur becomes dull.



Height 60-75 cm // 1.9-2.4 feet

House Terrarium

Eyes Blue - Green - Red

Skin domestic lizard

Climate sunny

Sleep cycle variable

Cutie Mark optional


  • In case of having a CUTIE MARK (optional) it must occupy the entire hind leg (right or left).


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

These percentages are variable according to the eye color of each individual.



saturated coat colors


Natural colored eyes + lighter background .


slower and heavier.


usually with a great paternal instinct.



pastel or dull coat colors.


unnaturally colored eyes + almost white background.


lighter and faster.


with little or no maternal instinct.



Something 1

They can be earth ponies or unicorns (one horn) but not pegasi or alicorns

Something 2

You can be missing a limb or have crutches, be blind, deaf or mute but not zombies, cyrborgs or have plants sprouting from your body.

Something 3

Can have pony ears but only pony ears, not other animal ears (no wings, no antennae, no other things).

Something 4

They can have hair on the mane, tail and legs but it is short or semi-short, it never reaches the ground and its torso is always made of lizard skin.



All common skins are free to create, rare or unique skins must be purchased or won in a contest/ challenge/ raffle (coming soon), you can use the free resources to make one, remember to add your Geckony to this world in case to make you one!

It should have a subfolder with the appropriate record marking the characteristics of your character


(45%) (common and emotional sense)

They get carried away by their sentimental emotional side, they may take too much into account the first impression to respond, they are not in a hurry to do things. Sensitivity, above all. They feel the music and this inspires them to dance or paint, they are very good at building strange artifacts, as well as repairing them (You must have at least one characteristic of your eye color or shade, it is not necessary that you comply with all of them).


(35%) (opportunities and curiosity)

They make hasty decisions, usually do not sit still for long periods of time, act according to the opponent's movements. They get carried away a lot by what is seen, the movements, the appearance and expressions of the other. They are very imaginative, passionate about books of all kinds, movies and maps.


(20%) (relax, calm and reflection)

They don't talk much, they are more about listening and acting on it, they reflect on the information they have. Loving and affectionate, they are often very good companions as a strategic listener and planner. On days when they wake up in a good mood, they are excellent at discussing trivial matters, expounding points of view, and interviewing. They secretly love to sing, but are embarrassed by it.



Extra Information




They cannot have: wings, mix with other animals (dog, cat, goat, crocodile, dragon, birds), robotic parts or fully robotic, have food or food parts (cream hair, jelly tail), fish tail or other animals that are not strictly lizards (turtle, snake, crocodile, among others).




Cosmetic modifications such as makeup, eyelashes, clothing, hair ornaments or horns, frames, piercings (nose, lip and ears only), tattoos (no more than 50% of your body), burns (no more than 50% of your body), cuts (no more than 50% of your body) and braces.




They do not usually go in a herd, normally the individuals of this species live far away from each other, they do not usually socialize with each other, they always prefer to make friends with other species (terrestrial ponies, unicorns, etc.).

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