Fladra's Bulletins

hello so we have a little free MYO event going on right now so get yourself a free Uncommon MYO so you can go make a Fladra of your own: https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/354431.fladra-free-myo-event

we also of course have our monthly raffle going on over here: https://toyhou.se/19090416.missile-toe-fladra-raffle

and to finish things off we have a summer event going on here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1049135.summer-event

summer event

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Demon_Zory

this is going to be the same as the spring event and of course, we got some new traits for this summer

seasonal traits are traits that you can only get in the first month of a new season you'll get a seasonal MYO after completing the requirements of the event
for this event, you need to draw someone else or your own Fladra with something summer related things like a sunny day, the beach, swimming, and I don't know whatever you think is summer themed


pretending the drawing you did you can mix the spring MYO with either common, uncommon, or rare traits it follows the same rules as getting a normal common, uncommon or rare MYO: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/889904.myo-place-thing

link the drawing you did and I'll send the spring MYO to you

the event will end at the end on December 31
if have any questions you can ask them here or here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/889876.the-asking-request-place

paetnered with the familiar dragons

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Demon_Zory

we have partnered with the familiar dragons!! :D
me and Goremagalaisdaboss have partnered our 2 species 

here's the familiar dragon species discord: https://discord.gg/jGzcM5rsKR

hello hope everyone is having a good day/night 

so Christmas is coming soon and I think it will be fun to do a small event when it's here I don't have that many ideas for it tho so if anyone got any ideas then you can share I can't wait to hear the ideas you have for it
this can be anything from something like drawing prompts, Christmas theme traits, or anything like that I don't know, any idea is a good idea

also, I forgot to ask for this month's Fladra theme so does anyone got any themes ideas
and why not will at it what about next month too if you got any Christmas themes for next month or any other themes for next month's Fladra raffle you can share your ideas here or here 

also a small reminder that the spring event is ending at the end of this month 

raffles have been summond

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Demon_Zory

the 2 raffles have been made here they are. enjoy 

Halloween raffle: https://toyhou.se/18236701.jack-o-lantern-fladra-raffle

butterfly raffle: https://toyhou.se/18236704.ulyssesbutterfly-fladra-raffle

Halloween fladra theme suggestions

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Demon_Zory

hello hello so there are going to be 2 raffles this month one going to be based on one of the butterflies that Goremagalaisdaboss suggested and another based off the good old Helloween season 

so go and give a spooky theme for the Halloween Fladra and go here to choose a butterfly 

butterfly theme fladra poll

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Demon_Zory

choose your butterflys

0 Votes Blushing phantom
0 Votes Goliath Birdwing
0 Votes Cabbage Butterfly
0 Votes Swallowtail
1 Votes Ulysses Butterfly

hello hello so there are going to be 2 raffles this month one going to be based on one of the butterflies that Goremagalaisdaboss suggested and another based off the good old Helloween season 

so go and choose your butterflies and go here to throw a spooky theme for the Halloween Fladra 

small update and extending the event

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Demon_Zory

hello everyone I hope you having a good day/night

the spring MYO event is getting extended to the end of 30 November it may update to be shorter but for now it will be like this 

also, there is now a little thing at the bottom of the spices main page which shows -things currently going on- in the world like the spring event and this mouthes raffle and also other things like should I add achievement as a thing just a simple yes-no answer is all I want, please I don't know if it's a good idea so please say if you think if yes that you think its a good idea or no you don't think its a good idea 

Fladra raffle

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Demon_Zory

raffle time: https://toyhou.se/17831029.red-flame-fladra-raffle

mouthly raffles will be a thing now I'll ask you guys for themes for the raffles each mouth but right now we got this dude :3

spring event

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Demon_Zory

hello, there are going to be seasonal traits added to the spices, and the only way to get them is at events like this :3

seasonal traits are traits that you can only get in the first month of a new season you'll get a seasonal MYO after completing the requirements of the event
for this event, you need to draw someone else or your own Fladra with something spring related things like flowers, fluttering butterflies, and I don't know whatever you think is spring themed
what are the spring traits look like well here they are the wings have holes in them you can change the shape they are in but they need to be small like the ones in the image the first horns have plant growth on them having leaves and flowers that can be any kind and the second one is fluffy 


pretending the drawing you did you can mix the spring MYO with either common, uncommon, or rare traits it follows the same rules as getting a normal common, uncommon or rare MYO: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/889904.myo-place-thing

link the drawing you did and I'll send the spring MYO to you

the event will end at the end on November 30
if have any questions you can ask them here or here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/889876.the-asking-request-place