Hey! Welcome to the FAQ zone.  This is where you can find the answers to frequently asked questions, important information, and a server directory!  Before asking a question , please check this to see if its already been answered We will also update this chat as future questions are brought up!

  • Myos To create a kisunnet or selkie, you need a myo! All myos should tell what rarity traits you can use.     

 How to get one

 After this server gets more active i will start event in #   where you can offer art for a myo. Everyone gets at least a uncommon, however, depending on the quality and quantity, people can achieve rare and mythical myos aswell!You can go to ⁠✮kisu-trade✮ if someone might sell myos. You can not buy a myo through usd or any irl currency such as points and vouchers!

Myo Rarities

Common: You can access all common traits with this! Uncommon, rare and mythical are unusable without a trait upgrade. Seasonal and event traits are unusable unless its a special event

Uncommon: You can access all common + uncommon traits with this! Rare and mythical are unusable without a trait upgrade. Seasonal and event traits are unusable unless its a special event

Rare: You can access all common + uncommon + rare traits with this! mythical traits are unusable without a trait upgrade. Seasonal and event traits are unusable unless its a special event.

Mythical: You can access all  common + uncommon + rare + mythical traits with this! Seasonal and event traits are unusable unless its a special event

Seasonal rarities

Seasonal traits: These are traits that you can only gain access to during seasonal events or with items that were bought during the event with special currency. Admins have special privilege to make seasonal adopts outside events!

Unique traits: These are only obtainable via adopts from staff! And usually made only for specific adopts. Sometimes if its popular trait i will make it official

Kisuversary traits: These traits are only available once a year during August. The only way to obtain a Kisunnet or Selkie with these traits are from: Event myos Buying an adopt made by Kisu staff during August You can use multiple kisuversary traits per myo!


Design/Redesign   guide

  1. Can my kisu be anthro even if the original design was feral?
answer: Yes! They can have anthro and feral forms. But the character must look like the same oc and keep the same traits. Turning to another form doesnt need approval.


  1. What do we need to submit for redesign when changing?
answer: changing hair, changing patterns or colors, changing tail, changing trait location, changing traits/trait rarities.
  1. What do we not need to submit for redesign when changing?
answer: Outfit/ accessory changes
  1. How do i change traits?
answer: You can get or purchase traits in discord or in future shops. To change what fish tail kisu has you need to buy same rarity trait upgraders, Example from shark tail to shrimp tail you need common trait upgrade!


When uploading your design, Make sure to add it to your pre existing myo profile rather than making a new character profile! That way the design will already be in the world.

Guide to Pearls (How to get them and what they are)Pearls, or   are the official currency of the species!

  1. Does pearls have a conversion to usd?
  • answer: I'm not gonna be selling pearls for money but first i thought about 100 /1€ conversion rate. So people can do their own conversions if wanted. However, you may not claim the usd value if you purchased the design through pearls!  (ex. you buy oc for 1000   and the conversion was 100 /1€. You may not claim the design to be 10€.)
    1. what can i do with Pearls?
  • answer: You can bid on pearl adopts, buy pearl commissions, roll for a gacha designs I'm gonna add to shop!
      How to get pearls
    Drawing Mascots event in #✮pearl-collecting✮  #✮mascots✮  You can create 1 piece every week! (resets every monday)Drawing job art event in #✮pearl-collecting✮  You can create 1 piece every week! (resets every monday)Drawing gift art event in #✮pearl-collecting✮  (Little work in progress still) Working in #✮work-bot✮  Once every 24H ?workTrading  in #✮advertising✮  Trade characters for characters or pearls! Adopts in #✮advertising✮  Make non kisu adopts for pearls!
      Event pearls
    During special events like halloween you can earn halloween pearls that you can spend in seasonal item shop.