Produce Aisle TV Tropes!

The Quad

The Quad as a group
  • Family of Choice: Zig Zagged as half of The Quad (Archie and Keith) have family ties they're on good terms with, but all four members consider eachother as family. Nite and Vidonya particularly see Archie as a little brother figure.
  • trope name here: trope description here.
  • trope name here: trope description here.
  • trope name here: trope description here.


Archie Nakajima

The football himself.

An aspiring rapper and musician who specializes in hyperpop and speedcore with versatile vocals that allow him to take on a wide variety of other genres. Archie spends his time getting into rapbattle shenanigans with other people. While he's made a few enemies through this, he's also made a couple friends along the way. :)

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Is this to other characters at times, usually Nite or Vidonya.
  • Big Eater: Have you *seen* how this dude eats? He'll eat practically anything without shame.
  • Bullying a Dragon: You'd want to give him the benefit of the doubt for going after people who could easily wipe the floor with him and assume he just doesn't know any better (At 19? No less), but apparently not. At this point, it's a little hard to feel bad for him when his victim inevitably snaps back at him.
  • Black Bead Eyes: Archie will stare at you with his Big Autistic Eyes.
  • Cute, But Cacophonic: Archie is a cute, fluffy little orb. And yet, the little guy can *scream*. He's so loud that he's capable of damaging peoples' hearing simply by shouting at a high enough volume.
  • Cute Little Fangs: He has a pair of little fangs.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulu?: Considering Archie's PhD in being annoying, he all too often mouths off at people who could very, very easily kick his ass. To add some insult to injury for those he does decide to annoy, the little bastard usually gets away with it unpunished.
  • The Diss Track: One of the many ways Archie insults people is through his music.
  • Elective Unintelligible: While he mostly prefers to make random noises at people, he does communicate normally around those he's comfortable with. He may also speak if forced to (ie: in front of an authority figure) or if he has to get a point across.
  • Fearless Fool: This man is dumb enough to the point of bravery; he'll rap with someone who wants nothing more than to dance on his grave.
  • Friendless Background: Archie was bullied and rejected frequently in his youth for being the "weird kid" and generally being poor with social cues. Thankfully, he was too... dense for lack of a better word to understand why others treated him like this. In the end, he turned out alright. (For the most part...)
  • The Gadfly: Archie is known for going out of his way to annoy people simply for the adrenaline and thrill. He's not even really a bad person either, it's just something he does because he felt like it. Seriously though, don't let this guy anywhere near people who get mad easily.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: The goggles he wears seldom serve any purpose other than the fact that it looks cool.
  • Humble Pie: He got a serving of this after permanently damaging another person's hearing and royally pissing off The Quad (and some other Taco Night attendees) as a result of such, which made him realize that he wasn't going to be able to get away with being an ass forever. Fortunately, therapy sessions with Ranya further helped him recover and improve himself afterwards.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: With Nite. You see, only *Archie's* allowed to make fun of and bicker with the cringe discord mod. Anyone else who tries to do this will get their ankles bitten.
  • I Shall Taunt You: He often mocks and insults people to rile them up during conflicts.
  • Implausible Deniability: He could get caught red-handed in whatever act he's trying to pull off and he'll still deny it just because he's a defiant little asshole.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Archie will often put down those he doesn't like to make himself look better than them while at the same time taking in and believing what those individuals say about him.
    Ranya: It appears you're in a cycle of putting down the people you believe are "out to get you" whilst taking in their words and believing that you are what they say you are.
  • "Just Joking" Justification: He'll sometimes use this to excuse his actions, ie insulting someone, playing pranks that are a bit too cruel, being rough with Taco Night attendees, etc. Did this once after Nite and Vidonya caught him during a Scooby-Doo chase; needless to say they and Keith (who had just walked in on the whole thing) weren't too happy with him afterwards.
  • Keet: He's got bright green hair and is so hyperactive and all over the place that it seems like he's got an endless supply of energy.
  • Manchild: Archie is capable of acting his own age (19), but is prone to being mean or immature. Such examples include complaining when faced with tasks he dislikes, defiance towards authority or rules, and getting upset over trivial things. (A prime example of this occurred when he nearly had a meltdown over his friend eating the last chicken nugget, which in reality was only her *third* one as Archie had already eaten the majority of them prior.) As a result, he comes across to a lot of people (especially those who dislike him) as a child or a (spoiled) brat.
  • Meaningful Name: The name Archie means "bold" or "brave", which fits his (albeit to the point of stupidity) fearless nature and personality.
  • Multi-Ethnic Name: He has a Germanic name (Archie) with a Japanese surname (Nakajima).
  • NO INDOOR VOICE: Being a naturally loud and rambunctious person, Archie doesn't exactly understand the concept of having an indoor voice, and as a result he often has to be reminded to settle down by others.
  • No Social Skills: Archie has a poor understanding of most social cues.
  • Pay Evil Unto Evil: Archie is a very "two wrongs make a right" type of person and often uses this as justification for treating those he deems undeems undeserving of respect poorly (ie The Anti-Quad).
  • Sibling Rivalry: He and Nite may not be related by blood, but they very much act like siblings to one another.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Nite and Archie's friendship is practically built on the two making eachother cringe, arguing over stupid shit, etc etc but under all that the two parties genuinely care about one another.
  • Wild Hair: He has very, very wild and long looking hair that's practically a mane at this point. It's so long in fact, that you can carry him by the scruff with it.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: His hair is a very bright and unnatural shade of green.
  • "X" Makes Anything Cool: His shirt has a big gray X on it.


Discord Nitro

How does he get bitches...?

Nite is a rather suave Addison with a penchant for scamming people with fake Discord Nitro links. Upon learning one's information, it is sold to the highest bidder, earning Nite quite the sum of cash. He's intelligent and crafty, able to make deals with just about anybody with average-to-below-average smarts.

  • Animal Motifs: Nite has strong connections with birds and cats, and is attributed to a griffon often.
  • Boisterous Weakling: Nite is small, and compensates with a huge ego. (Somewhat subverted: Nite is shockingly strong!)
  • Broken Tears: Cries a lot. Often a particularly emotionally charged way.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Impressively adept with hacking and coding, this later gets him his now-girlfriend out of hate-raiding trouble.
  • Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes: More or less Nite's default look. Mostly to showcase tiredness or interest.
  • Grew A Spine: After a long while of letting himself get used as a doormat, going to the Light World and meeting a friend and partner allowed him to stand up for himself.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Towards Archie.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: When he cries, he cries hard.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Despite his ego and general charisma, Nite harbors strong self-hatred and loneliness.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: Nite is extremely intelligent, but when faced with a particularly cute and/or attractive person, often can't help but lose a couple brain cells.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: Almost always has a tuft of hair over his right eye.
  • Perma-Stubble: ...Self-explanatory.
  • Punny Name: Nite is a play on Nitro, late 'nite,' and the name Nate.
  • Rambunctious Italian: Look at this funny Italian man. Look at him cry over literally anything.
  • Reformed Rakes: Via Vidonya. Still kind of a dick but is doing better thanks to her.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Not siblings, with Archie.
  • Stout Strength: He's short, he's chubby, and he knows damn well how to wail on someone. He's shockingly strong, despite his stature and weight.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: So in love with Vidonya, you could get cavities by looking at them.
  • Sleepy Depressive: Ironic for his namesake, Nite doesn't get nearly enough sleep due to his personal problems, and suffers as a result.
  • Smug Smiler: Often has a smug grin on his face that only gets wiped off when he's super emotional.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Once again, with Archie.
  • Waistcoat of Style: He's never seen without his stylish little garment!


Keith Hatsune

A little red wizard.

A skilled practitioner of the arcane arts and Archie's loving boyfriend who makes up part of the calmer half of The Quad. His docile, sweeter nature allows him to get along with just about anyone along with allowing him to easily deal with any conflicts that pop up. He's by no means a wet towel, however, as he's more than capable of letting whatever energetic side he has in him out around his friends.

  • Black Bead Eyes: Like Archie, Keith also has these. (He will also stare at you with his Big Autistic Eyes.)
  • Cute Little Fangs: Much like his boyfriends, he sports a little pair of fangs that do nothing but make him very šŸ¤.
  • Extreme Doormat: Downplayed. Keith isn't afraid to stand up to strangers, but he tends to let his friends' behaviors slide a bit.
  • Flying Broomstick: He owns one of these and uses it as his main method of transportation. (Other than magic portals or teleportation, of course)
  • Househusband: Compared to his partners, Keith involves himself in domestic affairs (ie: cleaning, cooking, etc) the most. He's mainly seen cooking meals for others.
  • Magic Librarian: Keith's apartment is basically a small-ish library. He's also a wizard.
  • Magic Wand: As a wizard, this is his weapon of choice.
  • Multi-Ethnic Name: He has a Scottish name (Keith) with a Japanese surname (Hatsune).
  • Muggleā€“Mage Romance: Keith, a spellcasting wizard with magic, is in a relationship with Archie and Click, two regular ol' humans.
  • Nice Guy: He's a genuinely nice fella to be around.
  • Our Mages Are Different: Keith became a wizard through studying books, tomes, and grimoires.
  • Real Men Cook: Keith is very good at preparing and cooking meals, a skill he picked up from potion-making shenanigans.
  • Red/Green Contrast: Wears a red robe which contrasts with Archie's green hair. (Also works for Nite)
  • Red Is Heroic: His main attire is red, and he's part of The Quad.
  • The Red Mage: He's a bit like a magical swiss army knife, because chances are, if there's an issue he probably knows a spell that can fix it. His large variety of spells ranges from conjuring fireballs to small healing rituals and everything inbetween.
  • Robe and Wizard Hat: Is mostly seen with just the robe, but can occasionally be seen wearing a wizard's hat.
  • Squishy Wizard: He's not incapable of throwing a punch or two, but he'll definitely take magic over hand-to-hand combat when possible.
  • Technicolor Fire: His magic usually manifests and is depicted as blue flames.
  • Token Wizard: While Nite and Vidonya are capable of magic, Keith is the most knowledgeable on magic and spells out of The Quad.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Pretty self explanatory. He has blue hair.

The "Anti-Quad"

The Anti-Quad as a group
  • All of the Other Reindeer: The Anti-Quad are borderline ostracized daily for being unapproachable, intimidating, loners, "mean", etc.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Downplayed as all four of them aren't your typical "for the evulz" characters, but they tend to have antagonistic roles. (Usually towards Archie)
  • Cry for the Devil: Their poor (usually undeserved) reputation amongst the general Taco Night population, Archie's behavior towards them, and their reasons for acting the way they do makes it quite easy for one to feel pity or upset for them.
  • Designated Villains: They aren't even really "true villains" and are more so just being antagonized to hell and back for existing, but alas they still get treated like antagonists by the story because the person they oppose a lot of the time is a protagonist.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: As a group they're all referred to as the "Anti-Quad", a degrading label given to them by Archie in an attempt to antagonize them. Sort of subverted in a way because at least half of them have embraced this nickname and don't actually take much offense to it.
  • Hated by All: Downplayed as most people (excluding Archie) either only fear them or mildly dislike them, but out of anyone at Taco Night these four have the most negative opinions from others, being beaten only by Gossip and Sort. (Nite's detestable siblings)
  • Jerkasses Have a Point: All of their criticisms towards Archie's behavior and the way Taco Night attendees treat them is valid.
  • Loners Are Freaks: They all enjoy spending time alone and are seen as the equivalent of the quiet kids in the back of a class by most at Taco Night.
  • The Scapegoats: Usually if something goes wrong, most people are quick to assume these four are responsible. At least until the Taco Night populace starts growing spines and realizing Archie's the one who mainly instigates conflict.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: After The Quad (Minus Archie) and even a few Taco Night guests learn why these people act the way they do, they're far more willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt and extend the olive branch to them.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: They are very vocal about calling Archie's behavior out. They may also act like this towards The Quad for not adequately punishing and holding Archie accountable for his actions.



Evil and fucked up meow meow.

The bitter ex-boyfriend of Archie and an enemy of The Quad. He makes a living through a hitman job and is an all around unpleasant guy to be around. Envying The Quad and their happiness with their lives, he decides to be a thorn in their sides after coming into contact with Archie again.

  • Driven by Envy: A lot of his behavior towards The Quad is because he envies the happiness they have with their partners and lives.
  • Evil Is Petty: Other than tormenting Archie and his friends for no reason other than envy, heā€™s just generally rude to pretty much everyone even if a few people are willing to be nice to him out of pity or because they see *something* in him beyond his cruel nature. We could go on and on about the stuff he does to hurt others, but to make things short, Pogo is *bad* and he isn't afraid to be the pettiest little bastard doing so.
  • Freudian Excuse: He basically spent his childhood neglected and ignored by family and the only way for him to really get attention was through bad behavior. Couple that with him spending his formative years around bad people and itā€™s no wonder he ended up the way he is.
  • If I Can't Have You...: Zig Zagged and Downplayed? No matter how much he says he hates Archie nowadays, there's a part deep inside of him that does kind of want to get back with him after everything the two have done to each other. He also hasn't killed Archie, and whether or not he'd have the balls to kill Archie is debatable, but chances are he'd be very hesitant in doing so.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: At the end of the day, beneath all of Pogoā€™s hard, offensive, and rude shell is a very lonely and damaged individual. Heā€™ll never admit this, though.
  • Internet Jerk: Heā€™s gotten banned from Discord a number of times due to Niteā€™s position as a moderator and would likely get cancelled off of Twitter for simply *breathing*.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Knowing what he went through during his childhood and formative years, sometimes you can't help but feel even the tiniest grain of pity for him.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: Compared to Archie, Keith, and most of the other funkies who all have black eyes, Pogo's eyes are an empty white.
  • Not Good with Rejection: He hasn't been coping too well ever since Archie broke up with him.
  • Parental Neglect: One of the reasons Pogo is such a jerk to everyone is because he quite literally wasn't hugged enough as a child.
  • Pointless Band-Aid: Has this on his nose. It's mainly just for looking cool.
  • Professional Killer: Considering he spent his edgy teenage years in an environment where a lot of people choosing this as a living was common occurrence, itā€™s not surprising that he chose this as a career.
  • Psycho Ex-Boyfriend: Heā€™s *still* seething over his breakup with Archie after all this time. And ever since he came back into contact with him, heā€™s not only tormenting him but his friend group as well.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Did this to Archie during a mediated heart-to-heart session with Ranya and Vidonya.
    Pogo: Archie. You've told me you've gone through the same thing. You know what it's like to be ostracized and picked on an' vexed for being yourself. Why are you so... damn stubborn? Why can't you give me or any of the others any basic respect or empathy, especially knowing the shit I've been through? Why, Archie?
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: He wears black attire with a red sweater.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: He frequently swears in his speech.
  • What Does She See In Him: Either directs this frequently at Nite and his relationship with Vidonya because Nite is easy to make fun of, or at people he deems to be "losers", because he's salty that they're successful in relationships and he isn't.



Cyberpunk 2077 lookin' ass.

Pogo's close friend and fellow hitman, Atlas is one of the many enemies of The Quad and a member of the so-called "Anti-Quad" as coined by Archie. He seems to be genuinely happier with life than Pogo is, and is often seen with him at Taco Night. Atlas seems to lack any sort of traumatic past or reason for his behavior; he's just kind of... like that.

  • Evil Duo: He makes this when paired up with Pogo.
  • The Family That Slays Together: Atlas's family is full of criminals. Surprisingly enough, his childhood wasn't as neglectful as his partner in crime's was.
  • For the Evulz: He seems to do bad things for no real reason other than the shits and giggles.
  • One-Way Visor: Atlas wears one of these. It does show his eyes through cyan blue digital-esque pupils, but is basically just a black rectangle that he wears on his face.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: Unlike Pogo, who's main weapons are guns, Atlas's choice of weapon for the job are blades and knives.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Atlas has white hair, and is also not a very nice person to be around.



She's not all prickles and thorns.

Battuya, or "Tuya," as she likes to be called, is a rather content and keen pallas cat. She's anything but unaware and is observant of her surroundings; she's especially sharp when making snide comments concerning how people act.

The Taco Night Cast

Taco Night as a group
  • Aerith and Bob: Listing all 40 something Taco Night attendees would take a while, but names among them can range from Liam, Evan, Keith, Cody, and Jeremy to Zip, Pogo, Offiz, Botplay, and Pyramid.
  • The Complainer Is Always Wrong: Most often occurs towards the Anti-Quad and their complaints about Archie's treatment of them. They start to grow out of this when they realize how in the wrong Archie is though.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: A lot of the Taco Night Attendees have acted this way towards Archie due to his frequent fights with people.
  • trope name here: trope description here.


Clickton "Click" G. Clickton


Archie and Keith's other boyfriend. Click is a cheery, lively little fella with an interest in DJing, computers, and anything techy related. He takes great interest in the internet, so learning about cyber world darkners was quite the exciting eye opener for him. For the people who want Archie's energy with Keith's kindness, this is the guy you're looking for.

  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Click is easily distracted by bright, colorful, or shiny things.
  • Cheery Pink: He's a very cheery guy with natural bright pink hair.
  • Dumbass DJ: Downplayed. Click is actually more or less well liked at Taco Night, and while he's more than capable of being rowdy he just holds back (and is well aware of the limits he has during Taco Night) for the sake of the more quieter attendees.
  • Geek: Could be considered a tech geek. He loves computers, the internet, etc.
  • One-Way Visor: Similarly to Atlas, Click wears one of these, but instead of cyan, his eyes show up as pink and yellow instead.
  • The Pollyanna: Click is one of the most upbeat, happy people at Taco Night and is rarely, if ever seen being sad or upset.
  • Technicolor Eyes: While few have actually seen Click without his visor, his eyes really are pink and yellow.



"Me and the bestie!"

Desdemona is a usually-quiet & humble musician, making music that would be considered white noise, or generally calming music to help one sleep. Their disposition is almost always calm, akin to the type of music they prefer to make.



The quintessential Tumblr sexyman.

One of the many friends of The Quad and a regular at Taco Night. He is a charming, suave addison, much like Nite, and a typical conman salesman who makes a living off shady deals, spyware, and scams. He's one of the more attractive people of the cast, and as such, is frequently hit on or drooled over by other characters. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to mind the attention.

  • Affably Evil: Despite literally scamming people and promoting spyware for a living, Zip is a surprisingly decent guy to be around if you can get past his slight pretentiousness.
  • Animal Motifs: He's often associated with and compared to canaries.
  • The Charmer: Is basically this to everyone, seeing as he's very naturally charismatic.
  • Con Man: It says it on the tin. What else would an addison like him be?
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: One of Zip's occasional outfits is a trenchcoat with a fedora.
  • Distracted by My Own Sexy: Yeah uh, who's to say this dude hasn't looked at himself in the mirror a little? He does in fact, think he is pretty.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Quite a few guys think he is attractive.
  • Evil Brit: Outright evil might be a stretch, but he's by no means a saint. He's also British.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Was this towards Offiz after they got involved in a fight with Archie. He genuinely didn't mean to offend them either, but seeing as they were still on edge after the conflict they nearly lunged at him in response.
  • Megane: He's a very attractive person who also wears glasses.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: He wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a red tie.


Cameron "Cam" Song

And why he ourple? šŸ¤£

Cam is one of the more... interesting Taco Night goers. He uses gratuitous slang in his speech and flirts with just about anyone within a 10 foot radius of him. He also has an ego that rivals Nite's and he gets just as defensive when people insult or criticize him.

  • Casanova Wannabe: He is very flirty and hits on practically everyone regardless of gender or relationship status. (Most likely also brags about how many people he's supposedly hooked up with) Unfortunately, he hasn't been very successful in his endeavors.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Wears his sunglasses on his head like a hat. Subverted somewhat because unlike Archie he does actually use them as intended sometimes.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He's called "Cam" by basically everyone who knows him.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread at Taco Night; a sentiment that a large majority of attendees don't share.
  • Speaking Like Totally Teen: He uses lots of Gen-Z type slang in his speech which doesn't really help his already annoying image to a lot of people.
  • Sunglasses at Night: He always has his sunglasses on him regardless of weather or time of day.



A little guy.

A newer face that recently starting showing up, Buddy is a mysterious, wandering soul who's traversed through many a universe and timeline in search of a place he can call home. Unfortunately, however, most of the residents don't seem to take very kindly to him and as a result, he's forced to constantly move from one place to another. He seems to have better luck with social interactions here though...

  • Dimensional Traveler: Buddy has travelled through many different universes and timelines. How he does so is unknown as of now.
  • Doves Mean Peace: Buddy is strongly associated with and resembles a dove. He is also very much a pacifist and doesn't like to fight unless absolutely necessary.
  • The Drifter: Buddy has spent most of his life nomadically.
  • Extreme Doormat: Due to how often he's treated poorly, he'll won't really fight back or complain if faced with disrespect or unkindness.
  • Meaningful Name: Buddy's name basically means "friend", and he's one of the more well-liked Taco Night goers to boot.
  • Stoic Woobie: He so desperately needs a hug, but he usually won't, if ever, ask for one. Hell, he'll even brush his issues off like no big deal when asked about them.