


clementine was running away from the sentinels and managed to get away successfully by hiding in a theater, but as she entered, two characters named Axel and K4lp1ta saw her and they're like "oh shit how'd u get in here we werent done with the theater yet"

and like, clementine explained what happened and both characters decided to let her stay

soo since they knew what's going on they thought that they should leave but then boom

phil arrives and goes "haha lol i've been trying to find u clementine" but he gets knocked out cold by maple cuz he whacked him with a cinderblock

while all of that is been going on, journeyer was just outside the theater and heard wtf's going on so they wanted to take a peek on what's inside and saw phil lying on the floor unconscious-- while phil was knocked out, maple and axel drew silly things on his screen just to mock him cuz haha funny

as they watched, sylnan also arrived and went "tf's goin on here" and yadda yadda let me just skip cuz i dont think there's anything interesting going on

sooo clementine led the characters to her apartment where she wanted to explain what happened, but before she did, she was interrupted by sentinels & peacemakers making their way to clem's apartment--- and blazer too, so she told some of the characters to hide-

journeyer hid in the back room while k4lpita and sylnan stayed since they wanna fight along with clementine, sooo they waited until someone opened the door... and oh em gee. what you look at that. its blazer.

soo like, while that stuff's going on, journeyer was just there listening to what blazer and clementine said and whaddya know?? blazer betrayed clementine n shit

and jou's just sitting there before they needed to get help, so they went outside clem's apartment through the window in the backroom and rushed to find others for help

they eventually reached the night club & jou's like. screaming "HALP CLEMENTINE'S IN DANGER PLS SOMEBODY HALP" n the characters are like, oh shit

so these characters, named 77, moe, vi, and yes ofc, maple cuz instead of following the group he decided to go and walk his way towards the nightclub, and a couple more that i probably forgot went along with jou to help clementine but uhh they're a bit too late cuz as they returned clementine and k4l were already kidnapped and they & blazer are on the prison now soo L's on them two 847210314411933706.webp?size=44&quality=

and uhh since some of the characters r in the prison, the others also made their way in there jou was supposed to go there quickly but they saw sylnan blaming herself and they wanted to help them, but syl's screen turned into a bright red and stormed off to the prison where she wanted to find blazer and take revenge for what he's done

(ty hypligdrika for writing all this holy fuck)
















8/1SRS RP channel is born!

8/4 Phil gets fucking domed by a brick (And Maple appearance!)

8/8 K4lp1ta and Phil kiss <3

8/9 Culture Shock server is born!!

08/10 Ant Village Bar Arc (Absolute Chaos)

8/11 Oleander traumatizes the entire damn village

8/12 Maple and 77 kiss <3

8/13 Sauda meets the dog! <3

8/15 First Culture Shock Mpreg (Congrats Zendarity and takoapple)

8/25 Clementine and Blazer kiss <3

~ World's longest hiatus known to man

9/18 Sewer Arc
