" For moons now you've played us all for fools! Swaying us, leading us on by using our ancestors as a hoax!"

The toms voice bellowed out across the clearing, causing the young feline who cowered beneath the shadow of the towering stone to flinch. A circle was formed around him, bristled stares digging into him from every angle. The silhouette that loomed overhead crouched forward, Unsheathed talons scraping against thestones surface as fresh moonlight glinted off his bared canines

“ We were fools to let you guide us as our medicine cat. Have you any idea of what you've done? What this means for the clans? You've doomed us all! “


SHOULD WE FALL is an interactive warriors universe focused on worldbuilding, storytelling, lorebuilding, and character development! Here as a group we continue to sculpt and build the story behind the four clans and the outcome of their ways of life being revealed to be built upon a lie. Make and Explore character relationships with one another, develop our story, and interact with our community as you help this universe grow!


For years jackdawpaw has acted as Hawthornclans only medicine cat. With a starclan cat visiting him regularly various omens, prophecies, and signs have been sent through him to the clans: oftentimes guiding important decisions that influenced and led major fragments of clan life and decisions across the four clans. With one simple revelation all this comes crumbling down.

It's soon discovered that this Starclan cat was a dark forest spirit in disguise, having led on the young jackdawpaw, taking Advantage of his naive mind and the ever increasing pressure placed upon him as the clan's sole medicine cat. The omens, signs, and prophecies that had sculpted and guided the clans were nothing but elaborate hoaxes, and with the truth revealed the spirit disappears, leaving everything falling apart.

War is on the horizon, beliefs are being questioned, and as the outcome of past actions are being proved to be based upon lies The Clans will have to find a way through the the storm, before life as they know it comes crashing down