CuddleRays's Bulletins

PGA staff APPS Closed

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by DigitalSkullFox

Our Staff team is currently searching for one more PGA member to join us.
If you're passionate about making adopts, artwork and interested in becoming a part of our team,
 we'd love to hear from you.
Simply send me a direct message on discord and we'll provide you with a form to fill out. We wont decide on who tell the end of the day or tomorrow!

 must be 15+

Raffle Winner!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by RJ6469

Congrats to TH3_M4TH_GH0ST for winning the raffle!! We will add you to the ML! Your number is #66 for Masterlist! Congrats!

ATTN ALL!: Masterlist Notice

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

I want to get this out there so no one is alarmed as to why they are getting a comment on their Cuddleray's profile or MYO slot. Due to Masterlist findings during check and updating, we notice either some are left behind, no pages (broken link), traded before cooldown, no update as in posting in ML adjustments on TH World forums or Discord to a new owner and value changes if sold. Etc. So due to this I wanted to give a heads up you may get a comment on your Cuddleray as just a heads up on the ML importance and reasoning. 

ML adjustments we need, help us help you, in updating the ML and an extra track and proof source for you, which is why the adjustment forum and channels in discord are their for ownership transfers, obtaining a new cuddleray from someone, etc.

ML# and a link to the ML will be provided as well as information on what can happen if we are not updated with the changes to your Cuddleray. The Masterlist though silly to some folks, is a serious help to those who like protection on owning a valid species and confirmation they own it as it helps prevent theft etc. There is a lot of art theft, character theft so the Masterlist is in place to help protect you and confirm ownership. Please do not be alarmed if the message comes off as aggressive, it is not intentional, we are just taking the safety of your Cuddleray ownership seriously and want to make sure it is clear on punishments for not validating. 

For example, you fail to update us, we can't help confirm anything for you if something happens later on with a new owner. We can't help you if you do not list price sold for etc in the ownership tab before trading to confirm value which we also log on the ML for you too, to help confirm it's value and for you to have another way to show proof to others when you trade or sell your Cuddleray. 

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking out for you and your Cuddlerays 100%!

Though optional, it would help to always have the ML# somewhere on your Cuddlerays profile, a tag, anything, and the link to the ML is optional but helps if you need it for proof reasons later on down the road. 

Masterlist Checkin!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

Just to do a check-in as we are now over 200+ Cuddlerays on the Masterlist, I am addressing this here as I did on Discord. Double check your info and Cuddleray to the Masterlist. If there are any issues please let me know via the forums here so I can easily check back to it as I make adjustments. I know some folks don't see a point in Masterlist and others view it as a safety net and form of validation for their Species and where they go. I have run into issues in the past myself for old Species I used to have, traded then find out later they were being sold when they had no value to start with. But if you have the time, please just double check  your Cuddleray to make sure the price if paid for or sold is correct, if the link needs updating, ownership, approval status and so forth.

ML Adjust Forum:

Cuddleray Lore is here!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

Hello everyone! Currently the following has been added to TH world!

Cuddleray Lore: Link added to home page.

March Prompt event and forum to post event for those of you who do not use Discord

Spotlight Cuddleray is currently being added to TH World and should be ready by tomorrow to catch up to Discord progress

Various other bits of updates scattered in the world

TH Shell bank is being mapped out

TH gift are for shells is also being mapped out

If you strictly use TH and not on Discord please be patient as I am doing my best to get things going here so TH users not on Discord, can participate in everything needed to earn Shells for items, MYO slots and more! Finding a good layout, filling it in and of course getting all the information takes a good bit of time, so I am working as fast as I can to get you all up to speed. 

Weather is getting bad for me so I am not able to finish much else this evening due to the storm. Once it passes, I will be back to getting TH World updated. NPCs are coming to TH World to help better give visual appeal and nifty Cuddlerays to help manage the bank, library, item shop and more!

Sub Species Plant and Bug Reveal!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

It is time to reveal the Plant and Bug type Cuddlerays! The Species Info section will be updated tomorrow evening along with the other events that are in place occurring on Discord for those of you who do not use Discord. Information about the traits will be in detail tomorrow. As of right now here are some example Mascots for the new Sub Types! Information on how to obtain the ability to create a Sub Species will also be updated tomorrow on the TH world.



Item Shop Update! and UPDATES!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

I am still getting the world caught up to Discord's progress! As of right now, 2 new items have hit the shop and will be updated tomorrow with price!

Bag of Fluff, used for minor redesign in terms of physical appearance. Color still needs dye to be used. Thank you to K1WI for the items artwork!

More items are coming soon as well as NPC's for the TH and Discord! Lore is coming up as well as various other items! 

Spotlight Cuddleray and the March Prompt event have begun, it is super late for me so tomorrow I will update the TH world with these events as well for those of you who are not on the Discord server. If you do not use Discord please comment so I know who you are and can make sure you are addressed and informed on any and all events that occur in Discord. I don't want anyone left out.


Spike Cookie, permits addition of spikes on your Cuddleray. Must purchase before adding spikes on your current or MYO slot Cuddleray.


🐟Hello Cuddlebuds! TH Update!🐟

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by RJ6469

Hello everyone!

I am back online after the move and getting everything caught up! I know a few of you, do not use Discord. That being said. I'd like to hear from the non-Discord users on what you feel you need or are missing from the TH world to better navigate and have the resources you need to make your Cuddlerays! Please let me know where adjustments or additions need to be made so I can assure my TH users who are not on Discord are comfortable and happy with being a part of the Cuddlerays community. I have done some updating on the TH World today so hoping to also address everyone else as well. Comment here and let me know what you need/suggest/etc so I can get that for you ASAP. 


Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by RJ6469

Hi all! I have good news! The spreadsheet Masterlist is done! Meaning the Masterlist on TH is no longer fully required, if you want to keep it, that's fine, however here is the new Masterlist Location!

Please find your name on the Masterlist. Let me know if there are any issues, the link when hovering over your name should take you to your character. If your Cuddleray is already made, you can remove the MYO slot image from the gallery. Please link to this spreadsheet for Masterlist proof for your Cuddleray! If you notice your ML# is different simply adjust as I found some errors along the way. If your name links to your profile that means you had nothing for me to connect your MYO to on your TH account. Once you do and make your Cuddleray, please let me know so I can update your Masterlist link on the spreadsheet. If you trade, sell, obtain value etc of your MYO please comment here to let me know your ML# and the new owner of your Cuddleray! (If you don't do this in Discord). 

Thank you all so much for your patience!! This was a TON of work!