

i. Cuddlerays Species Rules

You are not permitted to make a Cuddleray without a MYO slot. If you are wanting to make a Cuddleray, you must earn Shells or purchase from the MYO USD Shop.

You must wait one week before trading your MYO Slot or Cuddleray after obtaining.

Should you find yourself wanting to remove your Cuddleray from the Species itself, you must DM DigitalSkullFox to discuss removal of your Cuddleray. This will also void you on the Masterlist and open your slot to being raffled.

You can not redesign your Cuddleray without purchasing a Redesign Kit. All redesigns will need approval by staff before becoming official in terms of changes. If the redesign is very minor, you will not need approval, this includes: Eye color change, small adjustments to markings, small change to color on the body, etc.

Cuddlerays is a NSFW free species! Please do not discuss NSFW content or showcase it within Toyhouse World or Discord. NSFW includes gore and adult content!

All Cuddlerays MUST be submitted to the Toyhouse World for Masterlist purposes, linking to the Masterlist Account is optional!

ii. Species Art and Purchase & Selling Rules

If you purchase a MYO USD slot, you can only sell it for the amount you paid UNLESS you have purchased additional commissioned art by someone else, to go with it.

MYO Tickets from Shell Shop CAN NOT be sold for USD. However, you may gift/trade the MYO slot.

If buying from the MYO USD Shop, you MUST contact DigitalSkullFox to obtain your purchase and Masterlist Number.

You are NOT permitted to: Trace, copy, steal, heavily reference, color-pick, claim as your own, anyone's artwork in Toyhouse World or on Discord, this includes both Cuddleray and misc art belonging to their respective members.

iii. Member Interactions

You must contact staff should confrontation occur or discomfort. Do not escalate the situation by fighting back.

Please do not discuss sensitive topics, politics, or harass members in Cuddlerays. If you feel what you may discuss may be triggering, it is best to not discuss it. If unsure, contact Staff!