
For other dragon hybrids, see Medidraco

Amphidraco are lindwyrm (or drake/wyrm) hybrids that are distinguishable due to their long bodies, and typically a lack of hind legs. Sometimes, they lack any limbs at all.

Amphidraco are very social and don't like being alone. They don't mind being with other species, or with other amphidraco, but it is more common to see amphidraco together in groups than one singular amphidraco in a group.

Species Subtypes

They are split into 3 species, Amphidraco volans (flying), Amphidraco imbris (swimming), and Amphidraco fodiens (burrowing).

Amphidraco volans have the capability to fly even though they have no visible wings. They usually live in communities in mountains, or high treetops where they can fly from place to place. They are usually crepuscular, as they are most active at dusk and dawn.

Amphidraco imbris are adapted to swimming, and can breathe underwater. Most of the time, they can breathe both water and air, having both gills and lungs. They usually live on beaches/lakes, or underwater in caves. They are usually crepuscular, as they are most active at dusk and dawn.

Amphidraco fodiens are theorized to be connected to the ancestor that originated the amphidraco species. They usually live underground, which may be in burrows underground or caves. They are usually nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night.

Powers & Abilities

As expected, A. volans is most susceptible for wind abilities, A. imbris is most susceptible to water abilites, and A. fodiens is most susceptible to ground/earth abilities.

This does not mean that any of them are capable of different abilities, however, as dragons (and so are their hybrids) are known for having a knack for magic.

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