NuGaia Lore 1 (WIP)

NuGaia is a post apocalyptic alternate reality to earth. Primarily taking place in NuYorke (formerly the Mid-Atlantic region).
(I'll be adding to this page to make it more interesting, for now, everything is WIP!)

1. The End Began!:

The guts of Tartarus enveloped the human realm the moment the barriers between worlds were weak enough. With earth gravely damaged by the activities of man, Gaia could not fend off the magic of these dark, other-worldly beings for long. As a last defense to save mankind, a secret coven of witches unleashed their magical powers unto the remaining bits of humanity, to free earth from the clutches of demons, and one day restore Gaia to her former glory.

On the contraire, these demons now claiming the earth, wish to restore their paradise, while simultaneously ripping it from the grasp of mankind, as they no longer see humans worthy of tending to this realm alone. The only resemblance of the human populous reduced to nothing more than meat vehicles. 

Until explicit demonology is at play, angels, the true guardians of earth, cannot play their role. A pact between these demigods prevents either side from directly interfering with human life. 

"As long as holy flesh does not taint the human realm, peace be a bridge between the omnipotent."

With the barrier between magical and mundane worn thin, magical influences on humanity will be what steers the future. Be it through demonic possession, or rejuvenating witchcraft!