"Weirder" / Races Info

Weirders: Strange, comforting, odd, and simultaneously unsettling creatures that began to appear all over the world in the 21st century, right around 2003. All of them fall under the aesthetics of Weirdcore/Dreamcore/Oddcore/Traumacore/Glitchcore/Voidcore/Or any aesthetic with the "Core" suffix.

Races:Description:Commonality: (Each out of %100)
Beginning Human:A normal, every day human. The humans that existed in this world before "Weirders" began to show up.
(Weirder) "Human"A "Human" that falls under the "Weirder" category because they look like them and appeared with the other Weirders. But are usually more tame and more human looking than the rest. They also sport some uncanny and odd abilities that a normal human would not posses. Such as Grem's ability to take his own head off and kick it around like a ball.
(Weirder) "Demon"A generally thought of human depiction of a demon with the weird aesthetics twist. Counters to "Weirder Angels," most "Weirder Demons" are Sleep paralysis demons. They typically do demon things, keep "Weirder angels" out of dreams, and have demon like powers and abilities.  Most of these Weirders are not able to exist in human sunlight, so they stay in the shadows or stick to the night. Though, not all Weirder Demons are incapable of touching human sunlight, such as May, A sleep paralysis Demon Weirder.

(Weirder) "Angel"Not a typical depiction of angels by any means. "Weirder Angels" WILL NEVER HAVE A HUMANOID BODY! They're More like "biblically accurate" angels. The ones with hundreds of eyes, lots of wings, and so forth. The most common Weirder Angel is a human eyeball with wings and a non human colored iris. You won't typically see these kinds of "Weirders" in society, for they choose to live in the "heavens" and only come down sometimes. Often, only appearing in "Beginning Human" and "Weirder Humans" dreams.

(Weirder) "Object"A "Weider Object" is what you first typically think of, which is an "Object head", but that's not the case for all of them, however. Sometimes "Weirder Objects" are just normal every day items, such a clock, a car, a fridge, etc, that have come to be possessed by a "Weirder Object" and adapt/change into something odd. Again, such an example is maybe a fridge that came to be possessed, and has grown a human like mouth in the middle where it can speak and eat from. Objects that have been possessed by a "Weirder Object" are more common than a "Weirder Object" with a body. (65/35 ratio) What's unique about these "Weirders" is that unlike almost all other "Weirders", except for "Weirder Evens", the possessed object kind keep showing up even after the Aaether closed. It's believed this is so because the "Weirder objects" may have just not found something to possess yet. (It's important also to note "Weirder Objects" with bodies will always have floating heads)

(Weirder) "Animal"An animal with the weird aesthetics twist. Examples such as:
-A cat with a cyclops eye
-A deer growing mushrooms out of it's back
-A 50 ft long fox with multiple limbs

(Weirder) "Odds""Weirders" who are other examples of other mythological, humanoid creatures that aren't Angels or Demons. Such as: Vampire, werewolves, mummies, nymphs, elfs, etc. There will always be an odd number of these creatures within the world, never an even amount.

(Weirder) "Evens" "Weirder Evens" are Hybrid "Weirders". Born from two different versions of Weirders who fused together. These can not be made with Beginning humans, And "Angel Weirders" and "Demon Weirders" are not capable of fusing together. There will always be an even number of these creatures within the world, never an odd amount.

Other Info: 

Beginning Humans X Weirders:
Beginning Humans and Weirders of any Humanoid kind can get together and have an offspring by traditional human means, but the child will always be a full, "Beginning Human" and can not be a hybrid of the two.

Weirders X Weirders
Weirders and Other Weirders can have an offspring by Fusing their body, hearts, and minds together. The two parents will cease to exist and in their place will be their offspring, a "Weirder Evens" who will be a perfect mesh/fusion of the two parents personality, looks, thoughts, Memories, and feelings. The child will be the sum of the two parents age and divided by 3 or 2. 
(P1: 22 + P2: 23 = 45/3 = 15)

Weirder Objects Transform Ability:

One more thing of note from "Weirder Objects" is that "Weirder Objects" who have bodies can usually transform into just a simple object and go back and forth between those two forms, but it's not visa versa for "Weirder Objects" who have just possessed an object.