
The Gloamweald


The Heart of Nature

As inaccessible as it is mysterious, the Gloamweald is a vast, ancient forest thought to be as old as Nova Terra itself. Having always been difficult to traverse, following the war between the humans of Omnia and elves of Solis Occasum, an enchanted mist fell across the forest after a great portion of it was set ablaze betwixt the sparring factions. The mist serves as a barrier to the outside world, either redirecting non-magical intruders to whence they came, or pulls them into the fog to never be seen again. The size of the weald has brought many to think that it holds the largest population of Deva in the world, much to the danger of those within.

The Devan inhabitants of the great wood historically lived within little treehomes inside trunks, under roots, or in the woven branches of the forest in numbers dotting the forest. Since the Great Burning and growing threat of the humans arcane industry from Goetia to the west, and Omnia to the east, many villages have been abandoned to seek safety at the Heart of the forest, a sacred place now burgeoning population. If Deva aren't abandoning their homes, those who stay run risk of their villages being invaded by trolls who have struck deals with humans for passage into the weald to find and take Deva. Those with lesser to no magical affinity have disappeared following coercing from unknown sources, the likes of which promising magical enlightenment and a place of belonging.

The wealden Deva are extremely reclusive due to their circumstances, and few dare to leave the safety of the weald's mist. Those who do so are usually received with aprehension, or seen as outsiders.

Notable Spots


The Blushing Grove Frozen in eternal spring created by Mother Venus, the grove servers as a place of celebration of life and love during wealden Deva mating seasons. It remains empty, save for Venus, during off-season.


The Forest's Heart The center of the Weald marked by an ancient willow tree thought to be the cradle of mankind's birth. Most Wealden Deva have begun migrating since the Great Burning along with Goetia's increasing encroachment.


Eldbrier Magically-lifted briar surrounds this ancient grove. Whispers throughout the trees sing a singular Deva that welcomes all who wish for- and are promised - magical enlightenment, but at the cost of giving up their freedom.


Oathsward Once a peaceful meeting place of equal grounds for all Wealden Deva, the colorful meadow has fallen nearly silent since the Great Burning.

The Fenlands & Castrum Malefica


Fetid Swamplands

To the west of Nova Terra lies the fetid Fenlands, a sprawling swamp of mud and leeches that shelters both deva and necromancer alike. Hidden within the endless mists, the dark hold of Castrum Malefica looms over the land, its taint spilling into the waters, its shadow stretching ever closer to the throats of the devan inhabitants. With only the Megafauna Sanguilani to protect them from the necromancers who seek their blood and bones, the deva of the Fenlands live life in a perpetual state of cat and mouse.

Upon the arrival of the necromancers, the Devans native to the Fenlands had to find new ways to remain hidden from the dark magic. Forming a pact, the Umbral and Water Deva began to live symbiotically to combat the volatile nature of their magical neighbors. Living beneath the marsh, the fog of the Fenland swamplands hide not only their residence, but countless perils dangerous to those unfamiliar with the waters.

No matter how hard the Deva try to avoid the necromancers, conflict still arises. Hunting parties or other lone travelers often fall prey to necromancer hunters. Reckless Deva are known to go missing, whether used for necromancy or sold to traffickers, most never return again.

Notable Spots


Castrum Malefica A clandestine castle embedded deep within the rotten Fenlands, Castrum Malefica provides sanctuary to necromancers that seek protection, guidance, knowledge, or support. The hamlet that surrounds the castle offers shelter and bedding for students, while the higher-ranking members live within the castle itself. Emboldened by the furtive hold, necromancers practice their vile magics freely within the darkened halls and repurposed ballrooms. Word about the hideout is seldom uttered beyond its own borders, but aspiring necromancers-to-be that wish to seek pilgrimage can find clues to its location by making deals with back-alley leech vendors in the Fenlands proper.


Alderbough Devan hamlet hidden beneath the alluvial soil firmed up by trees. Entrances to the lodges, similar to those of beavers, are found deep underwater to hide from any non-Devan eyes. They are often connected by tunnels beneath the muck, formed by the meticulous hands of the water Deva to reduce time spent outside of the hovels.