About the Species


Jelly Slime Dragon Info

Jelly Slime Dragons are colourful soft jelly like dragons, rumoured to have been created from a magical cooking accident.

These dragons love sweet foods and will gorge themselves till immobile. So it's recommended to keep food locked away.

A  JSD can exhale a magic infused breath attack similar to a rainbow like  dragon fire, but other elemental breaths have been recorded.

A JSD may be able to hover, glide or flutter short distances by opening the small amount of webbing concealed in its wings.

These dragons come in a veriaty of shapes and sizes, often the size dependant on how much they eat, those having not eaten

for a time would shrink over time. They are not the smartest of creatures but are always happy and playful to a fault.

JSD come in 4 varients of body shape - The Common JSD, Queen JSD, King JSD and Shark JSD.

