lore page

hi this is where i put my arsol notes until i think of a way to make it nicer


-top: diamond city, the weather is always diamond dust here. this universe has limited technology and diamond city is the heart of it. the antagonist team lives here (similar to team rocket but as a pmd team) kind of a reference to emerald city from wizard of oz
-top right: the "endgame" area, where the queen and king of arsol live (a gardevoir and gallade respectively). kind of like the heaven of arsol
-right: a beach where it rains konpeito-like things and there are giant star fruit decorating the land. the water shimmers like a rainbow.
-bottom: a large open field with nothing in it except...field. you cant see enemies or anything because the tall plants hide everything. to the right of it is an area where all the plants are dead and it's basically an unlivable desert (for most creatures). rogue pokemon who previously belonged to a team live here in packs
-bottom left: the main area until i think of something better i guess? a forest with a gigantic tree in the middle, hollowed out inside so pokemon can live in it. giant dandelions are scattered in places
-top left: umm i remember mountains and a volcano being on my map but i dont remember why.. i imagine the volcano as being like the one from dragon roost island in wind waker (edited)
[2:58 PM] really rough sketch and a work in progress of course
[3:02 PM] i noticed all pmd games follow a trend of being based at a crossroads where each direction leads to a major area so i thought id follow that
[3:04 PM] oh yeah other misc notes:
-there are no humans in this universe and no "human turned into a pokemon for story reasons" plot
-the "game" featuring this region was going to be called pmd explorers of the sun (i think...?) thats why the endgame area has that giant sun pattern. and i think the plot was going to revolve around a certain legendary pokemon, maybe ho-oh...?
-the queen and king had names but i forgot what they were lel until i remember lets call them ariel and solas (lol)
-uh ill add more when i think of them