Welcome to Transbourne

Transbourne is a small town that offers a comfortable residence to its tight-knit community and transient visitors during their travels. It's a pleasant place to everyone who visits and even moreso to the residents who enjoys the peaceful seclusion the area provides.

  • Governence [self-led]
  • Location [in the woods]
  • Climate [damp]
  • Language [common]
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Arven Helvien
the librarian
The reclusive owner of the library who's something of a mad scientist.

Rosemary Graves
local ghost
The phantom prankster that's been sparking new life in the town.

self-appointed guard
A renowned hero of a distant kingdom, they've spent these last few years of retirement in this town.

Town Square
The center of town and the most frequented area of Transbourne. It's the most hustle and bustle you'll find in a place like this.

The Library
Previously owned by the late Sothy and now under the care of Arven, the library is the most grand place you'll find in Transbourne.

The Forest
Miles of dark dense woods seperates Transbourne from the closest towns. Staying on the path will take at least a day's journey.