Land of Mesoterra's Bulletins

Free MYO Event - Open!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Kevindish

It's that time again; we're holding a week-long MYO event!

QOL changes since last event have been made; to claim, simply boost the event on any platform and pick a species.

Our MYO slots are not account-bound and never expire!

Event lasts until December 15th!

~ Kevindish

October Discord Prompts + Cosmetics Released!


The November Prompts are ready for harvest!

This month our Discord event theme is 'Apple Orchard', with an awesome banner by Yellhound!

Stop by our server to join in on exclusive art & writing prompts to earn species currency, a custom Companion item, the limited-time Pie Badge for your Mesoterrans, and even a free themed MYO for the species of your choice!

10 days left for our Halloween Draw / Write to Enter Raffle!

We've got an extended event on DeviantArt to gain some ARPG Exp., a limited-time Vista, some optional extras, and a grand-prize premade: The Gigglepup Thing!

All entrants get some guarunteed prizes plus an equal chance to win the pup - The more who join, the more art, writing, and experience it comes with! You don't need a Mesoterran either, so why not give it a shot?

Check it out - Ends Nov. 15th!

- Kevindish
October Discord Prompts + Cosmetics Released!


The October Prompts are flying in!

This month our Discord event theme is 'Dragon Riders', with an awesome banner by Griffinisfather!

Stop by our server to join in on exclusive art & writing prompts to earn species currency, a custom Companion item, the limited-time Draco Badge for your Mesoterrans, our very first event Companion, and even a free themed MYO for the species of your choice!

We've released new collectible cosmetics!

Mesoterra's newest feature, Vistas & Companions are collectible Experience-boosting cosmetics that can be applied to your Inventory & Masterlist entries to boost ARPG Exp. reward rates!

Currently they're exclusive to our Discord, but will soon come to the Farm & Expert-tier ARPG quests to be earned on DeviantArt! With this new addition our focus can turn to creating new events and lore for the community with lots of reward types, so look forward to it!

Here's a small preview of what's available!



You can find the link to our server here as well as our main page!

- Kevindish

2 new open species available!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Kevindish
Introducing Snackaroos and Starlings!


Both are free to make open species!

Snackaroos are accidental alchemical creations of one of the Amarganth Wizardry College's students. They can be found mostly in larger towns & cities on the surface, especially in the city Enigamere by the college itself. Due to their similar origins, Articans tend to have soft spots for them and often keep them as apprentices. Very low magical power; their main ability being their snacks never spoil.

Starlings are another discovery by Amarganth - these little creatures fall from the sky on shooting stars. Often kept as pets, they can make small objects float and glow. They’re very high-energy and known for bouncing off the walls. More appear on nights with full moons.

Both are native to the Surface realm, with more lore available on our DeviantArt. As open species you don't need mod approval for designs, no Masterlist entries are needed, and you can even sell your own adoptables of the species! However, they can't be used in our ARPG as main characters nor to gain Exp.. You can still depict them - along with any other character you'd like! - alongside your main Mesoterrans in quest entries though!

Remember to check the previous bulletin for September's events!

- Kevindish

September Discord Events

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Kevindish
September Discord Prompts + new member MYOs!


The September Prompts are here!

This month our Discord event theme is 'Harvest Moon', with an awesome banner by Herbalwolf!

Stop by our server to join in on exclusive art & writing prompts to earn species currency, an Exp.-boosting item, the limited-time Lunar Badge for your Mesoterrans, and even a free themed MYO for the species of your choice!

We're gifting MYOs to all new members this month!

ALSO for all of September, we're gifting free blank MYO slots for the species of choice to any new members of the Discord server who verify and make their intros.

This is the first event of it's type we've held in over a year - So get them while you can! For our already existing members you can get an MYO too; just make sure a newcomer cites your name in their intro and you can take your pick. This is of course on top of the usual 50 Amber reward for invitations!

You can find the link to our server here as well as our main page!

- Kevindish

World Creation

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Kevindish
The official Mesoterra world has launched!
Created on 9/5/22

Say hello to the new world! Although we hadn't planned on making one anytime soon, staff decided now was better than never to get on-site and go-go-going. We've been a bit slow getting new members lately, and the ones currently here have been wanting a world for their characters - so why not?

Expect news updates, current events, all that jazz to show up here in the bulletins over time. This particular post is being written just before midnight on the 5th; it's been a lot of hard work! Although there's no fancy custom CSS nor even particularly striking formatting, I hope we were able to achieve a nice looking page to match the site itself. It does what it needs to do, which is perfect for what we wanted.

Developments for this page in the future will include the addition of even more open species over time, and maybe even some TH-only events? We'll see!

- Kevindish