pouchis world !'s Bulletins

﹢˚ .✦

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by [NPC] Mailpouchi Pollar PolkaPop



"News incoming!! Am I too late?" -Pollar

Hello again everyone !! We are moving on to the month of March woohoo !! Although nothing much will be happening during March, there might be events hosted internally within the discord server so join if you are interest for more updates !!

As for our new updates, we would like to welcome our new guest artists cecilsweeps and Blvshmoon !! Please look forward to their new adopts and support them !! We will be hosting a big raffle and maybe other events once we hit 100 members on our discord server !!

We also have new charms and mutations added !!
  • CHARMS: ultra rare cyber charm and legendary unicorn charm !!
  • MUTATIONS: pouchkitten, constellation, sparkle, axolotl, ram, butterfly, ink and elements (fire/magma, ice, electric) !!


  • New's letter message and banner by yuwa

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Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by [NPC] Mailpouchi Pollar PolkaPop



"News incoming!! Am I too late?" -Pollar

We will be hosting our very first contest as we are looking for new emotes for our server!! We have 90 places for animated emotes and 50 for normal emotes !! All entries must be sent via the discord server !!

As a normal contest would have, here are the rules for such:
  • You need to draw 3 emotes for the server: One of each mascots and one of your pouchi !!
  • If you dont have a pouchi you can draw someone else’s pouchi or draw the mascots multiple times !!
  • If possible, focus doing animated emote over normal ones, this is because we still need some space for the artfight store so some emotes might be deleted if we need the place !!
  • All emotes made must respect server rules!!

Our mascots are Pouchi and Matcha! (Clicking on the names will lead you to their profiles :D)

Now is time for the prizes!!

  • 1st - One ultrarare myo, one mutation of your choice and 250 art fight coins !!;
  • 2nd - One rare myo, one mutation of your choice and 150 art fight coins !!;
  • 3rd - One uncommon myo, one mutation of your choice and 75 coins !!

All entries will receive 10 coins per normal emotes and 20 coins per animated emotes !!


﹢˚ .✦

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by [NPC] Mailpouchi Pollar PolkaPop



Hello everyone, welcome to our very first newsletter!!
Although we are more focused on our discord as we mainly run through there, we will be giving brief general updates here on toyhouse for any upcoming events!! More announcements will be made through the discord channel so join if you haven’t already~!!

Firstly, we would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has helped to positively contribute to the species, wether it be a small or big contribution !! We are ever so grateful for the sudden growth of this species!!

Now moving on to the updates, we have our new pouchi world recoded and decorated by Sloompop !! So do take some time to check it out and appreciate the coding !! We would also like to welcome our new members of staff KatieAndCie , udawn and yuwa !!

And as you can see we now have a new's letter pouchi for the species...We present to you: Pollar! Everytime we'll be posting any bulletins about the species from now on, he will be sending the message for us. Be kind to him and maybe he'll give you a special plushie in return~!

The following will be happening within the month of February:

  • Lunar New Year raffle - designs with bunny event charm from our designers (already happening on the discord!);
  • Valentines Day raffle - designs with love letter event charm from our designers;
  • many more events to look forward to !!


  • Banner & New's letter message by yuwa

This is a list of people that didn't respect our rules and should NOT be rejoining the world once more. This list will be updated if more people break the rules.

BLACKLISTED: Dana_Dreamland
  • Name/username : dana_dreamland / marshmallow !!
  • Why? : having problems with some staff members, blocking them, hiding pouchis from the world, removing and claiming their pouchi to not be pouchis anymore and being mean by not respecting the rules !!
  • Adding : removing pouchis from the world and saying they are not pouchis anymore !!
IMPORTANT if you are selling pouchis to them you will be AUTOMATICALY blacklisted also !!

( but you can buy the pouchi they already own ) !!

  • Name/username: rowbee / krobus
  • Why? : Friends with dana_dreamland and claiming free pouchis for them !! Gifting a free pouchi to a blacklist person is against our rules !!
IMPORTANT if you are selling pouchis to them you will be AUTOMATICALY blacklisted also !!

( but you can buy the pouchi they already own ) !!

Respect the rules and be nice to everyone we dont want to start banning people !!

  • Don't harass/bully anyone, if is just a silly joke put some tone tags (EX: /j for joke ; /s for sarcasm and ect) if you deem necessary, but if the other people are uncomfortable please just stop.
  • Do not post NSFW, if you do you will be banned immediately. This also includes heavy gore;
  • Phishing, IP grabbing and anything that jeopardises the security of others will lead to ban;
  • Everyone is equal no matter the role. Respect everyone.;
  • Discussion of religious or political topics is prohibited on this world. If you want to talk more about this topics, shoot the other person a DM so you two can talk further about it!;
  • Keep the comments section clean: Do not spam text, images, emoji, or reactions. If you have any questions on the other hand don't be scared of commenting or sending a mensage on the discord server!
  • If you know someone that make you uncomfortable by doing things that are wrong
    Trigger Warning :
    sexualising children, asking nudes, and more
    come talk to Liluchuuu, Cashou or the other Staffers in dm !! We do not joke with those things !!
  • Do not sell/trade/gift pouchis for people on the blacklist! You can check them here: 🌱! But you can definitely buy the pouchis they have if you wish to !!
  • Do not redesign a pouchi to be another species !!
  • You are not allowed to redesign your pouchi or add accessories (this might change someday) !!
  • Pouchi stay pouchi !! you can't claim the species as yours or says they are not pouchi anymore !!